AUJOURD’HUI: C’est le 28 octobre Le jour: mercredi

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1 AUJOURD’HUI: C’est le 28 octobre Le jour: mercredi
Image courtesy of Microsoft Clipart Tu es prêt? Sortez: UN CRAYON et LA FEUILLE DE L’ÉCHAUFFEMENT Take out a pencil and your warm up sheet. Is your pencil ready? Start the warm up.

2 Quels sont les objectifs?
Compare and contrast Halloween traditions in France v. in the US Say and respond to Halloween vocabulary in French. Sing Halloween Songs in French. Objectives

3 Je peux… I can orally state 1 French Halloween tradition in France that is different than in the U.S. I can tell my partner 3-5 new Halloween vocabulary. I can sing Halloween Songs in French. Objectives

4 L’Echauffement What is your favorite Halloween tradition?
Will you be dressing up for Trick or Treats this year? Halloween is also celebrated in France. Can you guess 1 or 2 traditions related to Halloween? Warm Up

5 (Halloween en France- Video)
Traditions (Halloween en France- Video) Presentation of Traditions

6 Vocabulaire (Vocabulaire d’Halloween- Video)
#1 Sortez vos Classeurs (Binders) #2 Ouvrez-les dans la partie de la CULTURE Presentation of Vocabulary

7 C’est l’Halloween (This is Halloween)
(C’est l’ Halloween) Guided Practice

8 (La Chanson des Squelettes)
Chansons (C’est l’ Halloween!) (La Chanson des Squelettes) Guided P: Songs

9 Chansons (L’Arraignee Gipsy)
(Pour faire une soupe) Guided Practice: songs

10 Caillou
Reinforcement Video

Take out the assignment books Write down the homework

12 Les Devoirs Pas de devoirs HW

13 Billet pour Sortir

14 Les Partenaires Discuss with your partner:
One tradition in France that is different that the US. 3-5 new vocabulary words you learned today. Closure

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