Les animaux. What are you going to learn today? Some words for animals in French.

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Présentation au sujet: "Les animaux. What are you going to learn today? Some words for animals in French."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Les animaux

2 What are you going to learn today? Some words for animals in French

3 un chien (Pronounced an shee-an)

4 Un chat an sha

5 un lapin an lap-an

6 un hamster an am-stair

7 un poisson an pwa-son

8 un oiseau an wa-zo

9 une araignée oon ara-nyay

10 une souris oon soo-ree

11 Point to an animal and say the French!

12 Which one is missing? Quest-ce quil manque?



15 q1q2q3

16 Les animaux un chien – a dog un chat – a cat un hamster – a hamster un lapin – a rabbit un poisson – a fish un oiseau – a bird une souris – a mouse une araignée – a spider End of lesson Les Animaux

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