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Le Conditionnel Verbes: page 231
The conditional is equivalent to “would” in English.
To form the conditional, take the infinitive of the verb and add the following endings: ais ions iez ait aient Notice that the conditional endings are the same as the imparfait!
donner : to give finir: to finish
donnerais donnerions donneriez donnerait donneraient finirais finirions finiriez finirait finiraient Notice that with –re verbs, the final –e is dropped before adding the endings: attendre: to wait for attendrais attendrions attendriez attendrait attendraient
The same verbs that have irregular future stems are irregular in the conditional.
être ~ ser– devoir ~ devr– faire ~ fer– recevoir ~ recevr– aller ~ ir– voir ~ verr– avoir ~ aur– envoyer ~ enverr– savoir ~ saur– vouloir ~ voudr– pouvoir ~ pourr– venir ~ viendr–
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