Nous allons… penseroser parler mettre en application écrire.

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Présentation au sujet: "Nous allons… penseroser parler mettre en application écrire."— Transcription de la présentation:


2 Nous allons… penseroser parler mettre en application écrire


4 astronaute

5 bébé

6 cadeau

7 dragon

8 éléphant

9 football

10 1234 5678 9101112

11 garage

12 hôpital

13 île

14 jardin

15 karaté

16 lion

17 1234 5678 9101112

18 montagne

19 Noël

20 olive

21 pain


23 rose

24 1234 5678 9101112









33 123 456 789

34 Comment ça sécrit? Nous allons réviser lalphabet Nous allons apprendre la phrase: How do you spell that? Nous allons épeler des mots en français


36 123456 789101112 131415161718 192021222324 2526 lalphabet en français


38 Quel est ce monument? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Le Big Ben La Maison Blanche Kings College Le Stade de France La Tour Eiffel

39 French Spelling Bee

40 A spelling competition – you are given a word and have to spell it correctly! The difference is that you will be spelling words in French! What is a Spelling Bee?

41 In the next few weeks you will all be given 50 French words to learn. You must be able to: –Translate the words from English into French –Spell them using the French alphabet. There will be a class competition just before Christmas. How does it work?

42 After half-term your class winners (2 boys and 2 girls) will be given 50 more French words to learn (100 words in total). The class winners will meet one lunchtime a week to practise and you could also test them as a class. There will be a school competition just before Christmas. How does it work?

43 FrenchEnglish 1 BonjourHello 2 Au revoirGoodbye 3 Sil vous plaitplease 4 Mercithank you 5 Supergreat 6 Biengood/fine 7 Ça vaok 8 Malbad 9 Terribleawful 10 Anniversairebirthday

44 11 Unone 12 Deuxtwo 13 Troisthree 14 Quatrefour 15 Cinqfive 16 Sixsix 17 Septseven 18 Huiteight 19 Neufnine 20 Dixten

45 21 Un agendaa diary 22 Un dossiera folder 23 Une gommea rubber 24 Un crayona pencil 25 Une règlea ruler 26 Des ciseauxa pair of scissors 27 Un styloa pen 28 Un cahieran exercise book 29 Un dictionnairea dictionary 30 Une troussea pencil case

46 31 Un crayon de couleura crayon 32 Une calculatricea calculator 33 Un livrea book 34 Un taille-crayona pencil sharpener 35Bleu(e)blue 36Vert(e)green 37Marronbrown 38Gris(e)grey 39Noir(e)black 40Blanc(he)white

47 41Rougered 42JauneYellow 43Rosepink 44Orangeorange 45Violet(te)purple 46FrançaisFrench 47La FranceFrance 48Quoi?what? 49Comment?how? 50Où?where?



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