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Publié parFolquet Rio Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
ATELIER RÉGIONAL ACRN 2013 « Utiliser les processus REDD et FLEGT pour garantir les droits communautaires aux forêts et à la terre en Afrique : Leçons apprises et perspectives. Douala, septembre 2013 PLAN OF ACTION ADOPTED IN 2012 Maixent Fortunin AGNIMBAT EMEKA
INFLUENCE INSTITUTIONS Need to influence institutions Identification of regional organizations or institutions: Missions Role Positioning, Strategy to contact them Sensibilité
IMPROVE PARTICIPATION Effective participation of the civil society in the REDD + (on ongoing political and legislative reforms and identification the deforestation main causes). Capacity building for a total and more efficient participation (capacity building and independence)
REINFORCE SYNERGY Better communication and sharing of information between civil society organizations (reporting). Better coordination of the positions and actions at the national and regional levels
KEY INSTITUTIONS IDENTIFIED African Union Regional governmental institutions like ECOWAS & CEEAC, specialized technical bodies like Commission des Forêts dAfrique Centrale (COMIFAC) Great Lakes Economic Community. IUCN ICRAF PACJA
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