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Publié parJosée Villain Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
L’utilisateur mobile au centre des Solutions de Communication IP
The subject of my presentation is about the different IP Communication solutions Alcatel provides for the different type of user profiles we can find in an organization. In this presentation, we will cover the following points: 1st of all we will see why it is important for an organization to categorize the different user profiles. Then we will review all the challenges organizations and end users are facing in the area of communication. We will present the different communication solutions we propose and will try to show you the business values these solutions can bring to your organization for the different user profiles. We will finish by watching a film showing some concrete examples. Salime NASSUR Marketing Manager France
De l’importance de définir les catégories d’utilisateurs dans l’Entreprise
Anticiper les besoins des utilisateurs… Mobilité, télétravail, collaboration… Anticiper les évolution du réseau… Bande passante, QOS, sécurité, ressources, compétences… Comment justifier les dépenses du SI… ROI, productivité, processus métier… We think it is key for an organization to profile or categorize the different type of users. Why ? Because, as a CIO, IT manager or Telecom manager it is a way for me to anticipate or to try to anticipate the end user needs. Otherwise, I would be rapidly surrounded by new request such as: everybody wants the new and latest smart-phone, blackberry, some wants to work from home or to access to corporate resources from any WIFI hot spot…some others want to use Instant Messaging….and so on. If I do not anticipate, certainly I will get some issues to solve on my communication network: It is obvious to say that if I deploy desktop video conferencing solutions to everyone, I will get some trouble with the bandwidth. If everybody can access the corporate network from a WIFI hotspot, I will get some security concerns. Same story for resources and skills if I deploy a new application. On the other hand categorizing users will help me to justify to my top management all the investments I am making or I have to make on my network. Simply because by understanding better a specific need for a specific user category, I would be able to better demonstrate the real business value of my investments. Finally, categorizing users will also help me to see where I can find cost savings, on training, communication costs…aso. Comment minimiser les coûts… Communication, training, support, TCO…
Information Media Applications de Communication Applications Métier
Les utilisateurs sont au centre des processus métier Je suis unique Applications de Communication Mon PC Applications Métier Mon Mobile Ma Connexion Information Mon Application It is also important to categorize users because end users are fortunately at the center of business processes, but they are unique and therefore an organization must define the most appropriate application, device or media that will help this user to be more efficient. And it is very difficult to do that: Mes Informations Media Mon Job
Les défis de l’Entreprise compétitive
Mobilité “En 2006, Les employés experts passeront 70% de leur temps à collaborer en dehors de leur environnement de travail habituel” Nov 2004 Relations “En 2005, les Entreprises jugeront leur personnel sur leur aptitude à interagir... et à collaborer…” Nov 2004 Temps réel As a matter of fact the working environment becomes increasingly complex and moves to 3 opposite directions or challenges: 1st is Mobility: Gartner is saying that “By 2006, Knowledge workers will spend 70% of their time working collaboratively and outside the wall of its formal workplace”. Notice that Gartner is not talking about sales people or field forces, they are talking about knowledge workers. Knowledge workers include mobile forces but also back office people. 2nd challenge is Relationships: Gartner again is saying “By 2005, Enterprise will assess people…by whom they interact with and how well they collaborate…” . So Interaction and Collaboration are key in 2005, according to Gartner. Finally the 3rd challenge is Real Time: gartner again: “By 2009 the average lifetime of an enterprise’s business process will fall by 50 percent” Which is something when we know that most of the existing business process cycles have been reduced by 50% already in the last decade. If I take these challenges one by one, what does it mean to day for an end user with the existing tools I have. “En 2009, le temps moyen d’un processus métier diminuera de 50 pour cent” Nov 2004
Relations ? De multiple canaux….Expérience utilisateur fragmentée
“…Je dois contacter Lise….” J’appelle son téléphone de bureau… Lise Pas de réponse, je laisse un message ? Ou j’appelle son mobile ? Pas de réponse, je laisse un message ? Ou j’appelle son collègue ? Dois je lui envoyer un chat ? Dois je lui envoyer un SMS ? Dois je lui envoyer un ?
Mobilité ? Frustration des utilisateurs mobiles…
Coûts - + Bureau Meeting Campus Maison Transit Voyage Services Distance du bureau Efficacité de l’équipe For mobile users the situation is even worse: More you are far away from your office, less is the level of communication service you will get. As a result the team efficiency will decrease despite the huge costs you will get to maintain the information and communication flow.
Temps Réel ? Blocage des processus métier…
Processus métier incapables de gérer les exceptions Évènement externe ………… Etape 1 Etape 2 Etape N-1 Step N Communication humaine Pour résoudre le pb Finally concerning the last challenge: Real Time, the most important problem we are facing is related to the business process blockage. Most of the Enterprise have spent huge amount of money for implementing very efficient and sophisticated business processes. But unfortunately most of them have not been designed to handle exceptions correctly. Within a business process, when an external event occurs that requires a human interaction, because none of the business applications include real time communication services, the business process is blocked or at least delayed. .
Téléphonie, Messagerie, Intégration d’applications
Défis technologiques Client léger/lourd Middleware On line / Off line Applications Téléphonie, Messagerie, Collaboration CRM, ERP, SCM …/… Single Sign On Intégration d’applications Workflow, Portal Câblé, sans fil IP, Numérique, Analogue, SIP, Bluetooth, DECT, WiFi Media Web, Voix, Mail, Fax, Voice mail, IM SMS, MMS, Vidéo, …/… PAN, LAN MAN, WAN Publique / Privé Personnes Vendeurs, Managers, RH, Techniciens, Back office …/… Terminaux All these business challenges lead to technology challenges. You need to match people with devices: Do I give a laptop and a mobile phone to everyone or to sales people only, to whom do I give a desktop phone….. And this by choosing the right technology for my network: use public network, build my own network LAN, WAN, MAN. Then you need to match the devices with the media: is the device able to handle voice, video, IM, SMS, web access….aso. And again by choosing the right technology: wired, wireless, IP, TDM, SIP, DECT, WiFi….aso Do not think the technology challenges stop here, we need then to align media with applications. By applications we mean: telephony applications, communication applications but overall business applications such as CRM, ERP….aso. And to access these applications with the right device thru the most relevant media, what technology should I use: thick, thin client ?, Middleware, on line, off line…Aso. At the end and to close the loop I need to match applications with people, and this is certainly the most difficult challenge to fulfil: Do I integrate all the application in a single workflow or do I use Enterprise Application Integration platforms, or applications servers. Do I provide to my end users a single access point thru a portal…Single Sign on capabilities to access to all these applications ?….aso. So situation is quite complex, but we think Alcatel can help:
Solutions de Communication IP Par Profiles Utilisateurs
IP Communication solutions for different type of user profiles. Of course Alcatel will not be able to solve all the pbs, but at least those related to Real Time Communication, Interaction and Collaboration.
Segmentation des utilisateurs par profile
Profiles Exemples Mobilité Bureau/Sur-site/Hors-site Équipes de Direction CxO, top mgt, Direction opérationnelles Forçats bureau du Vendeurs itinérants Services itinérants Personnel Mobile Sur site Forces de vente Techniciens de maintenance, Services pro, Consultants IT, Sécurité, Maintenance, Fabrication Professionels Mobiles Front Office (Agences) Back Office Équipes de collaborateurs Standard, Réceptionnistes, Agent CC, Conseillers R&D, Gestion de Projet, Marketing RH, Compta, Logistique, Teletravailleur Employés de Bureau The first step is to categorize the different users in the organization. Although each enterprise is a special case it is possible to define three groups of users with seven main profiles in total: Day extenders: Executive Mobile professionals: Mobile sales, Field forces, Campus roamers Deskbound employees: Front office, Back office, Teamers The table shows that every employee is mobile to some extent in their roles and requirements. Includes CEO, COO, CIO, CFO and all the management staff of a company. Senior executives actively contribute to building corporate value; they spend on average one third of their time in their office, one third within the organization (on site meetings, subsidiary and agency visits) and one third of their time outside the company (off site meetings with clients, suppliers, partners, shareholders, peers, journalists…). These people need both real-time communication tools (telephony) and pseudo real-time (messaging services). In addition, they need to access reporting applications, information portals and knowledge-management platforms. Mobile professionals: Mobile sales Sales people spend most of their time on the road. These people must stay constantly reachable and be able to access corporate resources, information and databases. They also need real-time (telephony, notification) and pseudo real-time (messaging services) communication tools, as well as collaborative tools and business applications such as Customer Relation Management and Sales Force Automation, databases and reporting tools. Mobile professionals: Field forces This population includes field technicians, professional services, consultants and accountants who spend most of their time outside the company. These people must stay constantly reachable and be able to access corporate resources. They make extensive use of collaborative work tools, real-time communication tools and messaging services. They also require access to business applications (Field Service Automation) and databases. Mobile professionals: Campus roamers These include IT staff, people in charge of security, maintenance and manufacturing, who spend their time roaming inside the company. All these people must also stay constantly accessible and use communication systems that provide real-time notification capabilities. In some cases they also need specific solutions providing personal alarms & security. Deskbound employees: Front office employees Includes receptionists, employees in charge of customer service, help desk, and sales attendants. By definition, these people spend most of their time at their desk. Communication is their job and the most important factor is their ability to access central resources in real time to serve their customers. Deskbound employees: Back office employees Includes human resources, quality and finance departments, and people in charge of logistics. In a nutshell, people who spend the majority of their time at a desk using task-specific business applications. Deskbound employees: Teamers Includes R&D teams, project managers, product managers, launching managers, marketing teams, legal department, and trainers. Here the key factor is their ability to interact, communicate and collaborate with their internal or external customers and suppliers while minimizing travel costs
Applications de Communication IP Alcatel
Telephony IP Communication Unifiée Messagerie Unifiée Téléphonie sur PC Routage d’appels Conférence Audio, Web & Vidéo Téléphonie Standard, Business, Exécutive Application de convergence Fixe/Mobile My Assistant Teamwork Messaging Phone OmniPCX Enterprise Standards Internet XML/SOAP, SIP, VxML, J2EE Services Web de Communication Centre de Contacts Let’s now review the Alcatel applications & products enabling the transformation. Telephony services that used to be available in the office are now available everywhere, from home, on the road, anywhere and from any device (desktop phone, mobile phones or browser based interface Unified communication is based on the state of the art Java platform( J2EE), and is fully compliant with web services (XML/VXML), this modern framework provides a full suite of application (PC Telephony, Unified Messaging, personal assistant and collaborative SW) Communication web services simplifies the integration of those communication functions into any XML compliant business application Definition of Web Services: A service is a software component enabling heterogeneous applications to communicate. A web service is a component of that type using Internet standards: - XML: eXtended Mark up Language) a language for data exchange on the web. - SOAP: (Service Oriented Application Protocol) protocol to make a service request via XML messages. - WSDL: (Web Service Description Language) a meta language to describe Web Services. - UDDI: (Universal Description Discovery Integration) a standard to list & register Web Services. Finally Alcatel & Genesys provide a full range of contact center solutions starting from call distribution, call routing, multimedia contact center to voice portal. Intégration ds les applis business Communication intégrée aux processus Réponse rapide & immédiate Efficacité des agents Services personnalisés
Applications de Communication IP Alcatel
Téléphones de bureau Téléphone applicatif IP, traditionnel et softphones Alcatel et tierce (téléphone SIP) Consoles opératrices Fonctions uniques: afficheur graphique et clavier alphanum Bluetooth® Applications XML Communication unifiée Mobilité sur site Mobilité hors site Solution voix (DECT, PWT) Solution convergée (WiFi) Téléphone en libre service GSM avec une extension cellulaire Softphone sur PDA Alcatel provide as well a full range of communication adapted to user profiles: Deskbound employees will enjoy Alcatel business class range of telephone sets. This range includes multimedia attendant console. (3rd party = SIP phones) Mobile professionals such as campus roamers will enjoy Alcatel range of DECT and PWT mobile phones or Alcatel range of converged mobile phones (WLAN). People traveling a lot inside the company, from one site to another or from HQ to branch offices, will also enjoy the Alcatel Free seating solutions. In this area we provide 2 solutions: The 1st one concerns the IP Touch phone. On any IP Touch phone any user can retrieve their telephony environment and can access to their communication applications (voice mail, UC…Aso) by entering their telephone number and password. The 2nd solution is a much broader solution provided in partnership with SUN Microsystem. This solution allows you to retrieve from any workplace their full working environment: PC, telephone, applications…Aso (this solution runs only in Linux environment). Mobile professionals such as sales force and field forces will access all corporate communication features on the move from either their cell phone, their browser or both Finally day extenders will enjoy application phones together with mobile communication devices Cellular extension provide an always on access to enterprise telephony services, it is a must have for mobile professionals such as sales or field forces.
Solutions de Communication IP Alcatel pour les Utilisateurs Les valeurs clés
Collaboration immédiate Fédérer la connaissance en temps réel Interaction + fluide Communiquer n’importe ou Accélération des processus Avantage concurrentiel All these user profiles have one thing in common: they need real-time communication tools and collaborative work tools that are integrated with their existing work environment and their business applications. Alcatel IP Communication solutions are user-centric : they indeed provide a full set of telephony services and applications that recognize and service the various needs of these different users. Therefore, the Alcatel value propositions are: - Instant Collaboration - Smoother Interaction - Business Process acceleration
Collaboration immédiate avec la Communication Unifiée - My Teamwork
Audio temps réel, Messagerie Instantanée et Conférence Web Solution logicielle et Web uniquement Meetings planifiés, récurrents, “Meet Me” et “Ad Hoc” Appel sortant/entrant Partage de Document, Application, Bureau Fonctions avancées Intégration avec la Vidéo Conférence Enregistrement (synchro avec les présentations) Rapports et historique des évènements Présence SIP téléphone & application
Valeur business d’une Collaboration immédiate Exemple des Techniciens de Maintenance
Résolution des pbs + vite Accroître le taux de résolution des pbs lors de la 1ere visite Améliorer la satisfaction des clients + de visites chez les clients par jour Avec My Teamwork 75% d’économie sur les coûts de communication ROI < 6 mois * Gartner, 2003
Interaction + fluide avec les solutions de Communication IP
Applications de Communication Unifiée 100% logiciel, 100% standards Internet Notification, Accès vocal aux s, Messagerie Unifiée Routage et filtrage des appels Application de convergence Fixe/Mobile Services téléphoniques d’Entreprise sur mobile Téléphone applicatif IP Accès immédiat aux applications Ouverture XML Free seating Smoother interaction by using UC, Cellular extension application and IP Touch phone Our UC application suite provides Unified Messaging, Notification, call routing and screening to improve the way people can interact and communicate anywhere. The fix/mobile convergence application embedded in our OXE IP Telephony platform is a unique application transforming any mobile phone into a business phone with access to most of the corporate telephony resources of the OXE telephony server. Finally, our new IP application phone, with its full XML openness let the user access any application. People traveling a lot inside the company, from one site to another or from HQ to branch offices, will also enjoy the Alcatel Free seating solutions. In this area we provide 2 solutions: The 1st one concerns the IP Touch phone. On any IP Touch phone any user can retrieve their telephony environment and can access to their communication applications (voice mail, UC…Aso) by entering their telephone number and password. The 2nd solution is a much broader solution provided in partnership with SUN Microsystem. This solution makes it possible to retrieve from any workplace their full working environment: PC, telephone, applications…Aso (this solution runs only in Linux environment). Alcatel Cellular Extension
Valeur Business d’une Interaction +fluide Exemple des Forces de Vente
Toujours joignable + grande réactivité pendant les phases de négociation Améliore le service client Réduit les cycles de vente Avec le Cellular Extension What is the business value of smoother interaction: Let’s take an example of the sales person. All UC applications like UM, call routing and screening will let him be accessible anytime to VIP customers during a critical deal closing phase. With the Cellular Extension application we can demonstrate ROI < 9 months by minimizing the communication costs of mobile users making long distance and international calls with their mobile phone. Coûts de communication divisés par 4 Appels nationaux et internationaux ROI < 9 mois
Avec la Téléphonie sur IP
Valeur Business d’une Interaction +fluide Exemple des employés Front Office Accès + rapide au support back office Résolution + rapide des pbs Meilleur service aux clients clés + grande loyauté des clients Same thing for front office employees: By accessing immediately to back office support, a front office employee will be able to serve quicker and better their customer. The deployment of an IP Telephony infrastructure, where branch offices are connected centrally to the HQ using IP, can allow savings of up to 40% on PSTN costs. ROI <18 months on IP telephony can be demonstrated. Avec la Téléphonie sur IP 40% d’éco sur les coûts RTC ROI < 18 mois
Enterprise Resource Mgt
Accélération des Processus Métier avec les solutions de Communication IP Services Web de Communication intégrés dans les applications métier XML/SOAP, WSDL Communication intégrée dans les portail et workflow Communication Unifiée, Téléphonie, Mobilité Gestion des exceptions en temps réel Production Finance Sales Support Procurement Development PLM Product Life cycle Mgt SCM Supply Chain Mgt ERM Enterprise Resource Mgt SFA Sales Force Automation CRM Customer Relation Management And finally, our Alcatel IP Communication solutions can accelerate business processes. As a matter of fact we provide with our applications a full set of Communication Web Services to be implemented into existing business applications and business processes. These applications can also be fully integrated into portals and workflow. This will make a workflow or a business process able to better handle exceptions and will provide at low cost the opportunity for the Enterprise to become “Real Time”.
Accélération des Processus Métier Intégration dans les applications métier – SFA
Alcatel Communication Web Services integration performed with business applications from Salesforce.com, SAP, Siebel, Oracle and Pivotal.
Solutions suggérées par profile utilisateur
Profiles Terminaux & Technologies Applications de Communication Forçats bureau du UC Intégré ds les appli IS Cellular extension Téléphone applicatif IP Free seating Équipes de Direction Vendeurs itinérants Cellular extension UC Intégré ds les appl IS Professionnels Mobiles IP Web Softphone Appli de colaboration Services itinérants Personnel Mobile Sur site Téléphonie standard Mobilité critique This Chart outlines our recommended communication solutions according to user profile. Communication Unifiée Téléphone IP applicatif Attendant Console, CC Front Office (Agences) Employés de Bureau Back Office Téléphonie business UC Intégré ds les appli IS Équipes de collaborateurs Communication Unifiée Applis de Collaboration Téléphone applicatif IP
Leader du marché Communication IP Confirmé par les Analystes
Unified Communication Magic Quadrant, World Wide 2005 Corporate Telephony Magic Quadrant, EMEA 2004 Gartner Alcatel is recognized as THE LEADER in IP Communication solutions. If we add to these 2 magic quadrants the one on Contact Center, we can say that Alcatel is the only supplier being in the leader quadrant for all the solutions: IPT, UC and CC. Remark: On UC: this is world wide ! Unified Communication Product of the year, Jan 2005 Market Leadership for IP Communication “Best Performing IP-PBX Large Systems” 04 Unified Communication, Sept 2004
Leader du marché Communication IP Confirmé par les Analystes
Contact Center Solutions Alcatel is recognized as THE LEADER in IP Communication solutions. If we add to these 2 magic quadrants the one on Contact Center, we can say that Alcatel is the only supplier being in the leader quadrant for all the solutions: IPT, UC and CC. Remark: On UC: this is world wide !
Solutions de Communication IP Alcatel pour les Utilisateurs Les valeurs clés
Collaboration immédiate Fédérer la connaissance en temps réel Interaction + fluide Communiquer n’importe ou Accélération des processus Avantage concurrentiel All these user profiles have one thing in common: they need real-time communication tools and collaborative work tools that are integrated with their existing work environment and their business applications. Alcatel IP Communication solutions are user-centric : they indeed provide a full set of telephony services and applications that recognize and service the various needs of these different users. Therefore, the Alcatel value propositions are: - Instant Collaboration - Smoother Interaction - Business Process acceleration
www.alcatel.com Communication IP: OUI ou NON ? MERCI
Thanks for your time. What do you think ? Where do we go from here (study, pilot..aso) MERCI
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