Francais 4 Chapter 4 Grammar 1

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1 Francais 4 Chapter 4 Grammar 1
Reciprocal Verbs Francais 4 Chapter 4 Grammar 1

2 Reciprocal Verbs Reciprocal Verbs are similar to reflexive verbs
Pronouns nous, vous, and se can be used to make a verb reciprocal they mean for/to/at each other when added before a verb EXAMPLES Nous nous aimons. = We love each other Ils se rencontrent au café. = They’re meeting each other at the café.

3 Reciprocal Verbs In the passe compose, use être as the helping verb when making a verb reciprocal The past participle MUST agree with the pronoun when it is the direct object of the sentence EXAMPLES Nous avons vu Paul hier -> Nous nous sommes vus hier. Elle ont revu Paul au musée. -> Elle se sont revues au musée.

4 Reciprocal Verbs DO NOT make the past participle agree when the pronoun is the indirect object of the verb If the pronoun answers the question to whom it is an indirect object Verbs that take indirect objects include Conseiller écrire plaire demander offrir téléphoner Dire parler Examples J’ai parle à Pauline -> Nous nous sommes parlé.

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