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Publié parLucienne Savard Modifié depuis plus de 6 années
Le Passé Composé Part One. with AVOIR Regular Verbs
Le “passé composé” is a tense that we use in French to talk about something that… happens everyday will happen in the future happened in the past
Le “passé composé” is called “composé” because…
It is named after a Beethoven symphony You need to be very composed to use it well It is composed of TWO PARTS Bravo!
Do you know the French for the following phrases?
Before we start, we are going to need French expressions to refer to the past… Do you know the French for the following phrases? Yesterday Hier soir Last night L’été dernier Last weekend Hier Last summer Le weekend dernier Bravo!
Observe these examples carefully and try to figure out
Now, Observe these examples carefully and try to figure out how to put an –ER verb in the “passé composé”… Tu es prêt ?
Katie Taylor gagne son combat de boxe.
Exemple 1. -ER verbs Aujourd’hui, Katie Taylor gagne son combat de boxe. Hier, Katie Taylor a gagné son combat de boxe.
Exemple 2. -ER verbs Aujourd’hui,
JC2 - LE PASSE COMPOSE Exemple 2. -ER verbs Aujourd’hui, B.O’Driscoll joue pour l’équipe de Leinster. Hier, B.O’Driscoll a joué pour l’équipe de Leinster. Unité 1. Les Correspondants
1 2 a é a é Observe et Réfléchis ! Déduction: Exemple 1. Exemple 2.
Katie Taylor gagne B.O’Driscoll joue a é a é Katie Taylor gagn e B.O’Driscoll jou e Déduction: What verb goes at the beginning? What happens to the –ER verb? 1 2
To put an –ER verb in the passé composé,
Conclusion –ER verbs To put an –ER verb in the passé composé, I need to… 1 2 Start with verb ? in the tense Change the ? of my –ER verb with AVOIR ENDING PRESENT -é
Observe these examples carefully and try to figure out
Now, Observe these examples carefully and try to figure out how to put an –IR verb in the “passé composé”… Tu es prêt ?
Robbie Keane finit sa carrière à l’Euro.
Exemple 1. -IR verbs Aujourd’hui, Robbie Keane finit sa carrière à l’Euro. L’été dernier, Robbie Keane a fini sa carrière à l’Euro.
Exemple 2. -IR verbs Aujourd’hui,
Je choisis un cadeau pour mon corresp. Le weekend dernier, J’ ai choisi un cadeau pour mon corresp.
1 2 a i ai i Observe et Réfléchis ! Déduction: Exemple 1. Exemple 2.
Rob. Keane finit Je choisis a i ai i Rob.Keane fin it J’ chois is Déduction: What verb goes at the beginning? What happens to the –IR verb? 1 2
To put an –IR verb in the passé composé,
Conclusion –IR verbs To put an –IR verb in the passé composé, I need to… 1 2 Start with verb ? in the tense Change the ? of my –IR verb with AVOIR ENDING PRESENT -i
Observe these examples carefully and try to figure out
Now, Observe these examples carefully and try to figure out how to put an –RE verb in the “passé composé”… Tu es prêt ?
nous attendons la Coupe du Monde de foot!
Exemple 1. -RE verbs Aujourd’hui, nous attendons la Coupe du Monde de foot! L’été dernier, Nous avons attendu la Coupe du Monde.
Tommy Bowe vend des tennis sur internet.
Exemple 2. -RE verbs Aujourd’hui, Tommy Bowe vend des tennis sur internet. Hier, Tommy Bowe a vendu des tennis sur internet.
1 2 u avons u a Observe et Réfléchis ! Déduction: Exemple 1.
Nous attendons T.Bowe vend u u avons a Nous attend ons T.Bowe vend Déduction: What verb goes at the beginning? What happens to the –RE verb? 1 2
To put an –RE verb in the passé composé,
Conclusion –RE verbs To put an –RE verb in the passé composé, I need to… 1 2 Start with verb ? in the tense Change the ? of my –RE verb with AVOIR ENDING PRESENT -u
To put a verb in the passé composé, I need to…
Let’s Recap! To put a verb in the passé composé, I need to… Start with the verb ? in the Do you know it? I have = ? You have = ? He, she has = ? We have = ? Ye have = ? They have = ? 2 Change the ? of my verbs with: ? for –ER verbs ? for –IR verbs ? for –RE verbs 1 AVOIR ENDING PRESENT -é -i J’ai Tu as -u Il, elle a Nous avons Vous avez Ils,elles ont
j’ai tu as il, elle a joué fini nous vous avez j’ai tu as elle a joué
avons vous avez ils,elles ont vendu j’ai tu as elle a joué fini vendu
The part ending with “-é” / “-i” / or “-u” is called…
Bonus Question! The part ending with “-é” / “-i” / or “-u” is called… Le participe présent Le participe futur Le participe passé Bravo!
Write it down in your copy!
composed two AVOIR “PARTICIPE PASSÉ” PRESENT -É -I -U ai acheté ai choisi ai attendu as acheté as choisi as attendu a acheté a choisi a attendu avons acheté avons choisi avons attendu avez acheté avez choisi avez attendu ont acheté ont choisi ont attendu
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