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21.05.2014 Seite 1 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn CONCOURS QUALITE IN GUINEA Context and perennity Dr Mohamed Lamine YANSANE Président du Conseil national de la Qualité des soins et services Chef de Cabinet du MSHP
21.05.2014 Seite 2 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn CONTEXT Quality of health services is one of the Ministry of helath priorities in its National Developpement Plan for the period 2003- 2012; Various quality approches have been implemented; Despite these actions, clients are not insatisfied by health services; Low disponibility of drugs and personnal ; OBJECTIF Create quality culture winthin health structures through a positive competition in order to increase utilisation; Context and objective
21.05.2014 Seite 3 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn Constraintes of SQI /CQ in Guinea 1.Low appropriation by the national level of the MOH; 2.Lack of resources for the organisation of SQI/CQ; 3.Insuffisance decentralisation of the process; 4.Low implication of partners
21.05.2014 Seite 4 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn National Quality Council activities Technical working group for SQI/CQ being impemeted officialy by the MOH; Elaboration and implementation of annual programm for 2009 session; (CQ tools adaptation; sensitation, information ) ; First session organised by the national working group for the all the country
21.05.2014 Seite 5 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn Chalenges an perenity of Concours Qualité Difficulties of the local social and economic context : fex disponibility of drugs in health structures ; Difficulties to afford the SQI/CQ cost estimate at 140 000 for 435 structures ( health centers and hospitals) ; Necessity to have good collaboration and combination of all partners efforts ( implication of all partners, reinforcement of health system through Gavi and, 9 th global fund round in preparation);
21.05.2014 Seite 6 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn CONCOURS QUALITE IN GUINEA Approach implemention and effets Dr Mohamed Lamine YANSANE Dr Abdoulaye Maci BAH Dr Adrien NOUGTARA
21.05.2014 Seite 7 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn Mise en œuvre de lapproche CQ (1) Conception de lapproche et des outils de mise en œuvre (2001-2002); Test des outils sur un zone du pays(2003) Conception et adaptation des documents de normes et procédures (2003- 2004); Information / Formation des acteurs du terrain à lapplication des outils ( périodiquement);
21.05.2014 Seite 8 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn Mise en œuvre de lapproche CQ (2) Organisation de la première session du CQ (2003); Revu de lapproche et introduction de la recherche-action au niveau des structures (2006); Collaboration avec lUniversité pour le volet recherche-action et management de la Qualité Suivi évaluation de la mise en œuvre de chaque session, réadaptation de lapproche et des outils (évaluation interne et externe).
21.05.2014 Seite 9 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn Concours qualité –Action Recherche – Improvement Fund Recherche Action Fonds dAmélioration
21.05.2014 Seite 10 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn Evolution of proportion of health structures classified performant during the sessions ( >50%)
21.05.2014 Seite 11 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn
21.05.2014 Seite 12 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn
21.05.2014 Seite 13 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn 13 Evolution of clients satisfaction Source:rapports enquêtes
21.05.2014 Seite 14 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn 14 Clients perception on changes «Waiting time has improved. The lack of personnal is a problem. The personnal is insuffiant. Those wo are here are competent. If 3 or 4 clients arrive, 3 or 4 cleints arrive, they are taking one by one for the consultations» (Extrait men focus in Dalaba); «To me, what is changed is the hygien, hospital beds are good and the local is washed frequently» (Extrait men/women focus in Kissidougou);
21.05.2014 Seite 15 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn Factors of succes 1.Regular follow up actions to improve comitment of partners and MOH at national level ; 2.Comitment of the operational level for SQI/CQ 3. Taking into account clients needs and observations 4.Communauty participation in the process. 5.Synergy with others quality management approach ; 6.Intégration of action recherche; 7.Disponibility of documents of normes and procedures for each level.
21.05.2014 Seite 16 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn Capitalisation areas Flexibility and progressivity in the developpement; Open to others quality management approch; Intégration of action recherche; Intégration of action recherche and quality management in faculty; Effects on care providers, structures and population ;
21.05.2014 Seite 17 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn Recommandations Regular follow up actions to improve comitment of partners and MOH at national level; Flexibility and progressivity in the developpement; Continius adaption of tools in order to take into account needs and expectations of actors and partners ; Good documentation of the process Follow up and evaluations of the proceses ;
21.05.2014 Seite 18 Présentation Guinée21.05.2014Réunion Task Force CQ/SQI, Eschborn
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