The past infinitive You already know how to use infinitives in some sentences. Ex. Le conflit va éclater entre les deux pays. Conflict is going to break.

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Présentation au sujet: "The past infinitive You already know how to use infinitives in some sentences. Ex. Le conflit va éclater entre les deux pays. Conflict is going to break."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 The past infinitive You already know how to use infinitives in some sentences. Ex. Le conflit va éclater entre les deux pays. Conflict is going to break out between the two countries.

2 Infinitive phrases can also be used to express past time.
To form the past infinitive, use the helping verbs avoir and être in the infinitive and add the past participle of the main verb. The rules for agreement with past participles are the same as for the passé compose.

3 Translate into English
Il a célébré sa victoire après avoir gagné. Après être rentrée chez elle, la reine s’est couchée. Il a dû partir à l’école sans avoir pris son petit-déjeuner.

4 Traduisez en français The dwarf ran into the forest after having rescued the giant. The ogress appeared in the palace after having returned from the Middle East. Eight sorcerers granted the wishes of the heroes without having used a magic wand.

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