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La musique des Caraïbes
IPA by Jessica S. Miller, UW-Eau Claire La musique des Caraïbes Intermediate
Context How is music in the Caribbean regions similar and different to the music you enjoy? Interpretative task (Monday) Read a brochure describing a music festival, and watch a video (3 minutes, 2015) describing traditional musical instruments of the Caribbean. Interpersonal task (Wednesday + Thursday) What are your musical tastes? In a three-minute individual oral interview, discuss how and why you usually listen to music, the type of music you like and don’t like, whether you play an instrument, and how music influences you. Be ready to share your favorite music-related stories. Presentational task (Friday) The French Club would like to add more French-language music locally and is asking members to brainstorm. Describe your event idea and present one Francophone artist that you would invite. Consult with classmates to ensure a diverse line-up representing different countries. Prepare a script that includes a description of your event (concept, location, schedule) and one survey question for your audience. You can imagine a new event or include your idea to an event that already exists in the region. Be prepared to read the script in two minutes. Bring a visual: a photo, an illustration, an object, a map, etc. Check spelling and grammar. Quel genre de musique est-ce que tu aimes écouter ? Dans quelles situations est-ce que tu écoutes de la musique ? Comment est-ce que tu découvres de nouveaux artistes ? Est-ce que tu joues d’un instrument ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ? Pose-moi une question.
Source : Le Bananier Bleu, musiques jazz afro-caribéennes (2015)
Dianne Reeves
Maleïka Project
Shekinah Rodz
Interpretive task: reading
Associate the phrases to their best definition. Use visual cues, cognates (i.e., similarities between French and English), and vocabulary you learned so far to help you find the answers. (20 points – estimated completion time: 10 minutes) se dérouler _____ inaugurer _____ centenaire _____ en salle _____ gratuit _____ scolaire _____ animation _____ prévu _____ également _____ projection _____ à l’intérieur activité au programme aussi avoir lieu séance de cinéma pour les écoles qui ne coûte rien siècle utiliser pour la première fois
In French, answer the following: Based on the article, describe two things you can do at the festival. Be sure to give a brief description of what you think those activities are that goes beyond copying what is written, then compare those two aspects by stating which one you find better. Justify your opinion. (10 points – estimated completion time: 5 minutes) In French, answer the following: In the article, they mention that local Caribbean artists are well represented. What type of music festival do you feel best represent your culture, in your opinion? Examples of local music festivals are provided below for some inspiration. (10 points – estimated completion time: 5 minutes)
Interpretive task: listening
Check only the translation of the phrases that were spoken in the video. (20 points – estimated completion time: 10 minutes) nature Africa America to draw to dream to dance messages songs rules identity
In French, answer the following: Based on the video, describe one aspect of music from Martinique, including geographic origins and cultural significance. Don't translate: use your own words. Compare and contrast with your favorite genre of music. (10 points – estimated completion time: 5 minutes) In French, formulate a follow-up question you would post on this video’s YouTube page to learn more about music in Martinique. (10 points – estimated completion time: 5 minutes)
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