Verbe + Infinitif Discussing likes and dislikes. Comment dit-on… To like? Aimer Adorer.

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1 Verbe + Infinitif Discussing likes and dislikes

2 Comment dit-on… To like? Aimer Adorer

3 Verb + infinitive In French, when the verbs aimer, adorer and détester are followed by another verb, the second verb is in the infinitive form.

4 What is infinitive?? A verb that is not conjugated. Examples: Parler Écouter Marcher Regarder

5 Des exemples du verbe + infinitif Il aime rigoler. Jadore écouter la radio. Je déteste travailler.

6 Au négatif In a negative sentence, the ne…pas goes around the first verb. Exemple: Vous naimez pas travailler?

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