Tina Paul April 4, 2012. Legacy is family property that has been handed down for generations.

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1 Tina Paul April 4, 2012

2 Legacy is family property that has been handed down for generations.

3 Legacy within your family from one generation to another  Legacy means having a family member who attend a school or university before you.  An example of legacy is high school student attend who applies to TBA because her uncle went there.

4  How I intend contributing to my family is by make them joyful and make them proud of me, and do everything I suppose to right.  and my mother who tries to make me learn how to cook and do everything that might help me in the future.

5 Ma mère Elle s’appelles Marie  Elle habites à Boston  Elle est de 45 ans  Elle est très Joyeuse

6 Cousine  Ma cousine s’appelles Malia  Elle est âgé de 13 ans  Elle habites en Florida  Elle est très interéssant

7 Godmother  Ma marraine est nommée Sheilla  Elle vit en Haïti  Elle est 39 ans  Ma marraine est calme

8 Cousine  Elle s’appelles Gaelle  Elle habites en France  Elle est de 16 ans  Elle est très joyeuse

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