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2 Your French Homework … Will be due every week on ________.
Is essential for you to progress this year. Should always be completed with the help of your vocabulary notes. Must be accomplished neatly and with 100% effort. Take pride in your work ! Each activity has an easier version (labelled A) and a more difficult version (labelled B). For example 1A will be easier than 1B. Your teacher will tell you to complete activity 1, however you choose which challenge you want to go for : 1A or 1B, or both !

3 Je n’aime pas le racisme, c’est nul !
DATE DUE:…………… Activité 1 1A 1B Now write 4 sentences about what you like / dislike. Try to add reasons like in the example : Je n’aime pas le racisme, c’est nul ! 1- J’aime _________________, c’est _________ 2- Je n’aime pas _____________, c’est ________ 3- J’adore ___________________________ 4- Je déteste ___________________________ Now translate those 3 sentences in English. Then CIRCLE the ones you agree with. 1- J’aime le cinéma : __________________________ 2- Je n’aime pas les animaux : __________________ 3- J’adore le sport: ___________________________ 4- Je déteste la violence:_______________________

4 C A B Activité 2 DATE DUE: 2A 2B
Match-up the text with the correct celebrity 1- The journalist got it all wrong ! Can you re-write the sentences in the negative form using N’ and PAS ? (look at 2A to help you) a) Scott Brown aime le rugby. ________________________________________ b) Beyoncé aime les jeux vidéos. _________________________________________ c) Michael Phelps aime le théâtre. 2-Choose 2 people you know well and write what they like and dislike using : __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ 1- Elle aime la musique. Elle n’aime pas les araignées :____ 2-il aime le tennis. Il n’aime pas les chats :____ 3- Elle aime les livres mais elle n’aime pas les spaghettis:_____ 4-Can you try to write about the things Pogba likes/dislikes? Il aime _______________ Il n’aime pas ____________ C A B Il aime / Il n’aime pas = He likes / he dislikes Elle aime / Elle n’aime pas = She likes/dislikes

5 DATE DUE: Activité 3 3B: Find the ideal penpal for 3A:Who ...
a)Likes animals ?____________ b) Likes TV?________________ c) Likes music ?_____________ 3B: Find the ideal penpal for each of these young people according to what they like and dislike. 1 with ___ 2 with ___ 3 with ___

6 DATE DUE: Activité 4 A A B C C B They have They don’t have 4A
Match up the pictures with the vocabulary. Draw a smiley next to the items that you have in your school bag. 4B : Complete the grid with the information from each speech bubble. A B C They have They don’t have A B C

7 DATE DUE: Activité 5 5A Complete the sentences using the words in your vocabulary notes: 1- J’ai un __________________ 2 J’ai une _________________ 3 J’ai des _________________ 4 Je n’ai pas de _________________ 5 Je n’ai pas de ___________________ What is in your survival kit ? Complete the sentences using your vocabulary notes: J’ai ______________________________ Je n’ai pas de______________________ 5B : What do they have in their survival kit? Bonus point if you also write one thing they DON’T have. Il a = He has Il n’a pas = He doesn’t have Elle a = She has Elle n’a pas = She doesn’t have 1- _____________________________________ _______________________________________ 2- ____________________________________ 1 2

8 intelligente généreux branché poli gentil curieuse gentille polie
DATE DUE: Activité 6 6A Write the personalities below in the correct column. Are they masculine or feminine (with an “e”) ?: How do you see yourself? Complete the sentence. Remember to choose the correct adjective depending if you are a boy or a girl ! Je suis ______________________, et______________________________ mais je ne suis pas _________________. 6B : What is Arthur saying ? Can you be the interpreter and translate it ? Check your vocabulary notes for the words underlined : they are a bit more challenging ! Moi, je suis très branché et généreux et je suis assez poli. Je suis aussi intelligent et gentil. Mais je ne suis pas curieux. Je suis toujours modeste et je suis drôle ! = Me, I am very……._______________________ _______________________________________ Answer the following questions in French. Be honest! Oui = yes Non = no Je suis très = I am very..... Je suis assez.... = I am quite Je ne suis pas.... = I am not…… Tu es branché(branchée)?__________________ Tu es poli (polie)?________________________ Tu es curieux (curieuse)?__________________ Tu es généreux (généreuse)?________________ Tu es modeste?_________________________ Masculine Feminine - intelligente généreux branché poli gentil curieuse gentille polie

9 DATE DUE: Activité 7 7A Draw the hair and color the eyes with the right shape/color Luc est grand. Il a les yeux bleus et les cheveux courts, noirs et raides. Julie est petite et elle a les cheveux blonds, longs et frisés et les yeux marron. Rémi a les yeux verts et les cheveux mi- longs, roux et raides. Il est de taille moyenne. How are you physically? Score out the words that don’t apply to you! Je suis grand / grande / petit / petite. J’ai les cheveux courts / longs / mi-longs/ blonds / noirs / roux / bruns et raides / frisés. J’ai les yeux bleus / gris / verts /marron. 7B : Find 4 sentences in the snake below. Write them in French in the boxes and draw a character that corresponds to that description. Ilalescheveuxcourtsellealescheveuxlongsetraidesilalescheveuxmi-longsetfriséselleestpetite ____________________ a b c ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

10 8A Read the text and circle TRUE or FALSE
DATE DUE: Activité 8 8A Read the text and circle TRUE or FALSE next to each statement Moi, je m’appelle Chloé et j’ai onze ans. Je suis sportive et généreuse mais timide. J’ai les cheveux longs, noirs et raides. J’ai les yeux bleus et je suis petite. J’aime les animaux, mais je déteste les insectes. Dans mon sac j’ai toujours mon portable et du chewing-gum. 1. Chloé is eleven. TRUE FALSE 2. She is not sporty. TRUE FALSE 3. She is generous. TRUE FALSE 4. Her hair is brown. TRUE FALSE 5. Her hair is long and curly. TRUE FALSE 6. She likes animals TRUE FALSE 7. She dislikes reptiles. TRUE FALSE 8. She always has her phone TRUE FALSE and chewing gum in her bag. 8B : Answer the questions below. Make sure you give enough details. Check the number of points for each question ! Moi, je m’appelle Chloé et j’ai onze ans. J’aurai douze ans le quinze septembre. Je suis très sportive et généreuse mais assez timide. J’ai les cheveux longs, noirs et raides. J’aime mes cheveux. J’ai les yeux bleus et je suis de taille moyenne. Je n’aime pas mes yeux. Ils sont trop petits. Je m’intéresse à la nature. J’aime les animaux – même les reptiles, mais je déteste les insectes....surtout les grandes araignées noires. Dans mon sac j’ai toujours mon portable et du chewing-gum. Pour moi, un portable c’est essentiel. 1.What does Chloé tell us about the15thSeptember?(1) 2. What exactly does she say about her personality?(3) 3. What does she like and dislike about herself? (2) 4. What do we learn about her interests and fears? (5) 5. What does she always have in her bag? (2)

11 DATE DUE: Activité 9 9B : Complete the description of these singers, filling in the blanks. Voici un de mes chanteurs favoris. Paolo Nutini sa voix. Il et de la guitare. Il de taille moyenne. les cheveux J’aime Il joue Il a chante Il s’appelle bruns et mi-longs est Answer these questions in French. eg. Qui est beau? (Who is handsome?) = Channing Tatum est beau (Channing Tatum is handsome) 1.Qui est belle?________________________________ 2.Qui joue de la batterie?________________________ 3.Qui chante?_________________________________ 4.Qui joue de la guitare? _________________________ 5.Qui a les cheveux blonds? ______________________ 6.Qui aime le rap? ______________________________ 9A Match-up the french and english expressions. Il est hypercool He plays the guitar. Elle est très petite. He sings. Elle est magique. He likes rap. J’aime sa voix She plays the drums. Il chante She is really small. Elle joue du piano I like his voice. Il aime le rap She is amazing. Elle est danseuse She plays the piano. Il joue de la guitare He is totally cool. Elle joue de la batterie She is a dancer. Answer the questions in English « Une de mes chanteuses favorites s’appelle Lady GaGa. Elle a les cheveux longs, blonds et raides. Elle est très petite et elle a les yeux marron. Elle joue du piano et elle chante. J’aime sa voix ! » 1- Write 3 things about her hair_________________ ___________________________________________ 2-What is said about her height ? ________________ 3- What does the writer like about LadyGaGa ?______ ________________________


13 DATE DUE: MODULE 1 - HOMEWORK 3: Learn vocabulary: Moi et les autres – Me and other people Write 3-6 sentences in French about yourself and friends or family

14 DATE DUE: MODULE 1 - HOMEWORK 4: Learn vocabulary: Les yeux et les cheveux – Eyes and hair Prepare a portrait in French describing someone you admire

15 DATE DUE: MODULE 1 - HOMEWORK 5: Design a poster in English explaining why learning another language is important

16 DATE DUE: MODULE 2 - HOMEWORK 1: Learn vocabulary: Les matières scolaires – School subjects Design a French mind map of school subjects

17 DATE DUE: MODULE 2 - HOMEWORK 2: Learn vocabulary: Les opinions – Opinions & Les Raisons - Reasons Write your opinions and reasons in French for 3-6 of your school subjects

18 DATE DUE: MODULE 2 - HOMEWORK 3: Learn vocabulary: Quelle heure est-il? – What time is it? Teach someone else the time in French. Ask them to write a comment about how well you did.

19 DATE DUE: MODULE 2 - HOMEWORK 4: Learn vocabulary: L’emploi du temps – The timetable Make a copy of your school timetable in French

20 DATE DUE: MODULE 2 - HOMEWORK 5: Learn vocabulary: La journée scolaire – The timetable Write 3-6 sentences in French about your school day.

21 DATE DUE: MODULE 2 - HOMEWORK 6: Learn vocabulary: Qu’est-ce que tu manges? – What do you eat? Draw a French mind map of food and drink.

22 DATE DUE: MODULE 3 - HOMEWORK 1: Learn vocabulary: Les ordinateurs et les portables – Computers and mobile phones Write 3-6 sentences in French about what you do with your computer/mobile phone.

23 DATE DUE: MODULE 3 - HOMEWORK 2: Learn vocabulary: La fréquence & Le sport – Frequency & Sport Write 3-6 sentences in French about your sports.

24 DATE DUE: MODULE 3 - HOMEWORK 3: Learn vocabulary: Qu’est-ce que tu fais? & Quand? – What do you do? & When? Draw a mind map of what you do and when .

25 DATE DUE: MODULE 3 - HOMEWORK 4: Learn vocabulary: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? – What do you like doing? Write 3-6 sentences about what you like doing.

26 DATE DUE: MODULE 3 - HOMEWORK 5: Learn vocabulary: Qu’est-ce qu’ils font? – What do they do? Write 3-6 sentences about what your friends or family like doing.

27 DATE DUE: MODULE 4 - HOMEWORK 1: Learn vocabulary: Là où j’habite – Where I live Draw a French mind map of places in a town.

28 DATE DUE: MODULE 4 - HOMEWORK 2: Learn vocabulary: Les opinions – Opinions Write 3-6 sentences in French on your opinions on anything at all! (eg people and films)

29 DATE DUE: MODULE 4 - HOMEWORK 3: Learn vocabulary: Les directions – Directions Write 3-6 little conversations in French asking and giving directions.

30 DATE DUE: MODULE 4 - HOMEWORK 4: Learn vocabulary: Coucou! – Hi there! Draw a mind map of how to accept or decline an invitation.

31 DATE DUE: MODULE 4 - HOMEWORK 5: Learn vocabulary: Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire? – What can you do? Write 3 – 6 sentences in French about what you can do in Scotland .

32 DATE DUE: MODULE 5 - HOMEWORK 1: Learn vocabulary: Les vacances en famille – Family holidays Draw a French mind map of holiday places and activities.

33 DATE DUE: MODULE 5 - HOMEWORK 2: Learn vocabulary: Je me prépare – I get myself ready Write 3 – 6 sentences in French about what you do getting ready to go out on a special occasion.

34 DATE DUE: MODULE 5 - HOMEWORK 2: Learn vocabulary: Les nombres et l’argent – Numbers and money Write out the 8 times table in French.

35 DATE DUE: MODULE 5 - HOMEWORK 3: Learn vocabulary: Au café – At the café Design a café menu in French. Include prices in euros (€).

36 DATE DUE: MODULE 5 - HOMEWORK 4: Learn vocabulary: Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire? – What are you going to do? Write 3-6 sentences about what you are going to do during the summer holidays.

37 DATE DUE: MODULE 5 - HOMEWORK 5: Learn vocabulary: Quel sont tes rêves? – What are your dreams? Draw a French mindmap of people’s dreams.

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