Savez-vous planter les choux. youtube. com/watch

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1 Savez-vous planter les choux. https://www. youtube. com/watch
“Do you know how to plant cabbages ?”This song will allow you to practise bodyparts as you sing and “act” the song.

2 Savez-vous planter les choux ?
Savez-vous planter les choux À la mode, à la mode A la mode de chez nous On les plante avec les pieds On les plante avec le genou On les plante avec le coude On les plante avec le nez A la mode de chez nous ! A traditional song about “planting cabbages”! It is sang a lot in schools and playgrounds. Great to practice bodyparts!

3 Do you know how to plant cabbages In the fashion, in the fashion In our own fashion We plant them with our feet We plant them with our knee We plant them with our knee We plant them with our elbow We plant them with our nose In the fashion, in the fashion In our own fashion Translation of the song in English.

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