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Résumé CB WLCG du 3 février 2005
Sur la page de LCG suivre le lien sur le CB Minutes et présentations sur Élection du chairman: 3 candidats (M. Delfino, N. Geddes, F. Malek ) N. Geddes est élu au 1er tour à la majorité simple. Présentation du projet par L. Robertson Le tour des Tier1 et Tier2 27 février 2006 J-P Meyer
Status and Planning of the GRIF project
GRIF is the French PARIS region Tier2 and Tier3 facility federating 5 labs involved in the 4 LHC experiments. distributed Tier2 The initial plan (march 2005) was to build for 2007 a resource of 1400 ksi2k and 370 TB of disk with a share: between Tier2 (80%) (LCG) and Tier3 (20%) (LCG, EGEE, …) Organization: 1 technical & 1 scientific responsible per lab labs French-LCG & WLCG rep. (J-P Meyer) scientific comity Technical comity (M. Jouvin) Since beginning of 2006 we are redefining our plans to take into the new expectation of the LHC startup lumi. discussed at CERN board end of 2005 and which should be more precisely described current 2006. LPNHE 27 février 2006 J-P Meyer
Upgrade of the GRIF project
Year Buy CPU (ksi2k) Total Disk (TB) Cost estimate (k€) Cost Integral 2005 94 39 226 2006 260 354 51 90 335 561 2007 486 840 120 210 517 1078 2008 1560 2400 490 700 1183 2261 2009 2254 4300 709 1370 1040 3301 80% Tier2 Extend our project up to (we still miss 1M€) to do so but ask for money to the Paris region to help us in 2008. reevaluation of needs when realistic LHC lumi. planning is known. Man power: about 9 FTE right now should grow by 2 FTE for (EGEE2) still a bit short try to get more… Main concern: find money which will not affect French T1 financing local & regional money only is available up to 2008 27 février 2006 J-P Meyer
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