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Mercredi 11 octobre Français II
“Le baiser de l’Hôtel de ville”, 1950, est la photo qui a rendu célèbre Robert Doisneau dans le monde. L’identité du couple est restée un mystère jusqu’en 1992. The kiss of the city hall, 1950 is the photograph that made Robert Doisneau famous in the world. The identity of the couple remained a mystery until 1992. Last draft due at the end of class, staple them all together. If you are finished before the end of class, please read text in Bon voyage P That will help for a graded assignment coming up soon!
Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville (The Kiss)
In 1950 Doisneau created his most recognizable work for Life – Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville (Kiss by the Hôtel de Ville), a photograph of a couple kissing in the busy streets of Paris, which became an internationally recognized symbol of young love in Paris. Jean and Denise Lavergne erroneously believed themselves to be the couple in The Kiss, and when Robert and Annette Doisneau (his older daughter and also his assistant at the time) met them for lunch in the 1980s he "did not want to shatter their dream" so he said nothing. This resulted in them taking him to court for "taking their picture without their knowledge", because under French law an individual owns the rights to their own likeness. The court action forced Doisneau to reveal that he posed the shot using Françoise Delbart and Jacques Carteaud, lovers whom he had just seen kissing, but had not photographed initially because of his natural reserve; he approached them and asked if they would repeat the kiss. He won the court case against the Lavergnes. Doisneau said in 1992, "I would never have dared to photograph people like that. Lovers kissing in the street, those couples are rarely legitimate." The couple in Le baiser were Françoise Delbart, 20, and Jacques Carteaud, 23, both aspiring actors. In Françoise Bornet (née Delbart) stated that, "He told us we were charming, and asked if we could kiss again for the camera. We didn't mind. We were used to kissing. We were doing it all the time then, it was delicious. Monsieur Doisneau was adorable, very low key, very relaxed." They posed at the Place de la Concorde, the Rue de Rivoli and finally the Hôtel de Ville. The photograph was published in 12 June 1950, issue of Life. The relationship between Delbart and Carteaud only lasted for nine months. Delbart continued her acting career, but Carteaud gave up acting to become a wine producer. In 1950 Françoise Bornet was given an original print of the photograph, bearing Doisneau's signature and stamp, as part of the payment for her "work". In April 2005 she sold the print at auction for €155,000 to an unidentified Swiss collector via the Paris auctioneers Artcurial Briest-Poulain-Le Fur.
Mercredi 11 octobre Français PreAP/AP
“Le baiser de l’Hôtel de ville”, 1950, est la photo qui a rendu célèbre Robert Doisneau dans le monde. L’identité du couple est restée un mystère jusqu’en 1992. The kiss of the city hall, 1950 is the photograph that made Robert Doisneau famous in the world. The identity of the couple remained a mystery until 1992. AP ► Pourquoi faire ses courses en ligne? Lecture Vocabulaire Un titre pour chaque partie Oral = quels sont les avantages et inconvénients de faire ses courses en ligne? Pre AP► a. 2 P 242 b. Read P 241 c. P 243 d. 4 P 243 Alicia and Samantha discussion
Vocabulaire – Pourquoi faut-il…en ligne? Trouver l’anglais
Corvée = quelque chose qui est désagréable mais que l’on doit faire► chores Croiser = rencontrer par hazard► run into Se plaint = qui n’est pas content de quelque chose ► complain Volontier= Avec joie ► with pleasure/my pleasure Débordée = qui a trop de travail► overwhelmed S’y mettre = commencer► start/get started/get up to speed Gain = gagner► gain L’épicerie = produit alimentaire sec ou en conserve► groceries Craquage = succomber► give up/surrender/ succumb (a temptation) Promo = promotion► on sale Alléchante = qui attire ► attractive Pari = risquer de l’argent sur quelquechose dont on est certain► bet Caddie = chariot pour mettre les courses ► cart
II. Vocabulaire – Pourquoi faut-il…en ligne? Trouver l’anglais
Figurer = apparaître/être/sont montrés► figure Appoint= en plus / supplémentaire► supplemental /exact S’atteler = s’appliquer ►get on with/get down to Fastidieuse = ennuyeux ► tedious Concocter = préparer► concoct/compile Astuce = tuyau/truc ►tricks Au fur et à mesure = petit à petit ►gradually/bit by bit Pense-bête = pour se souvenir►reminder/shopping list Allées = rayon ►aisle Fuir = s’échapper ► run away/flee Comme bon semble = du mieux ►to do what seems best to Préconiser = recommender ►recommend/encourage Pareil = même chose ► same thing
Mercredi 11 octobre Français I
“Le baiser de l’Hôtel de ville”, 1950, est la photo qui a rendu célèbre Robert Doisneau dans le monde. L’identité du couple est restée un mystère jusqu’en 1992. The kiss of the city hall, 1950 is the photograph that made Robert Doisneau famous in the world. The identity of the couple remained a mystery until 1992. 2 P 10 Espace 5 P 14 Exercices 1, 2, 5, 6 CA P. 3-4 3-4
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