Passé Composé An action completed in the past

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1 Passé Composé An action completed in the past
An action repeated a number of times in the past A series of actions completed in the past

2 Ils ont mangé They have eaten Nous avons visité Paris plusieurs fois. We have visited Paris several times Il a vu sa mère He saw his mother

3 Avoir ou être? That is the question.

4 J’ai dansé The Passé composé has three English equivalents:
I danced   (simple past) I have danced   (present perfect) I did dance   (past emphatic)

5 Formation of the Passé Composé with avoir
1. Conjugate avoir in present tense J’ai _____________ Tu as ___________ Il/Elle a __________ Nous avons _________ Vous avez __________ Ils/Elles ont _________

6 2. Add past participle of verb
Manger  mangé Entendre  entendu Preparer  préparé Repondre  répondu Parler  parlé Boire  bu Finir  fini Perdre  perdu Faire  fait

7 3. Put the words together this way:
subject + helping verb (usually avoir) + past participle J’ai _________ du pizza I ate some pizza Ils ________ fait du camping They have camped On _________ bu du coca It drank the cola _______ avez entendu la musique They have listened to the music _____ as préparé le dîner? You have prepared dinner?

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