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Publié parAnna Gibson Modifié depuis plus de 6 années
Nitrogen Isotope Measurements-in the context of 40ºS GEOTRACES Transect
Raja S. Ganeshram
N isotopes proxy nutrient utilisation Denitrification N-fixation
OM Regeneration Water mass tracer
Difiore et al, JGR, 2006
Knapp et al., GBC, 2008
Sigman et al., GBC, 2006
Isotope fractionation during sedimentation
Settling particles tends to get heavy on transit 3‰ difference between diatom-bound and bulk sediments Such differences are variable no effect in margin sediments Effect of sediment?
Tracing northern & southern sourced waters -foram & diatom bound N-isotope signatures N-fixation budgets in the Atlantic -Large uncertainties Role of riverine OM & DIN on N-isotopes & C isotopes signatures Role of margin sediments -sediment denitrification
Nitrate Isotopes Water requirement: ml most sites ml in surface/oligotrophic sites/underway system Sampling resolution: -12 8 to 10 stations + 10 margins stations Other: Need good nitrate/nitrite concentration. Costs: 500 samples X £20 = 10,000 consumable + Mass spec time (no salary) 2 berths Postdoc or tech. + PhD student
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