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Publié parRené Lebeau Modifié depuis plus de 6 années
Unit 9 Labo-langue Reflexive verbs Perfect tense with avoir
Perfect tense with être Near future
Reflexive verbs Unit 9: Labo-langue
Reflexive verbs have subject pronouns (like je, tu, il/elle) but they also need a reflexive pronoun to show that the subject and the object are the same: je me lave = I wash (myself) se réveiller to wake (oneself) up je me réveille tu te réveilles il/elle/on se réveille nous nous réveillons vous vous réveillez ils/elles se réveillent © Oxford University Press 2014
Perfect tense with avoir
Unit 9: Labo-langue Perfect tense with avoir To form the perfect tense, you need an auxiliary verb and a past participle (see Units 3, 7 and 8). With most verbs, the auxiliary verb is avoir. avoir + past participle j’ai joué répondu fini played replied finished tu as il/elle/on a nous avons vous avez ils/elles ont © Oxford University Press 2014
Perfect tense with être
Unit 9: Labo-langue Perfect tense with être With verbs of motion or movement, such as aller (to go), partir (to leave), arriver (to arrive), entrer (to come in) and a few others, you form the perfect tense with être. When you form the perfect tense with être, the past participle has to ‘agree’ with the person or thing doing the action. masculine feminine singular je suis arrivé je suis arrivée tu es arrivé tu es arrivée il est arrivé elle est arrivée plural on est arrivés on est arrivées nous sommes arrivés nous sommes arrivées vous êtes arrivés vous êtes arrivées ils sont arrivés elles sont allées © Oxford University Press 2014
Near future Unit 9: Labo-langue
The near future is used to talk about what is going to happen. You form it with the present tense of aller (to go) followed by the infinitive of the verb. present tense of aller + infinitive je vais organiser … I am going to organise tu vas you are going il/elle va he/she is going on va we are going nous allons vous allez ils/elles vont they are going © Oxford University Press 2014
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