les instructions Bonjour la classe, sortez vos affaires

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1 les instructions Bonjour la classe, sortez vos affaires
Regardez, écoutez Alors, la classe, levez la main Écoutez, répondez Silence! la classe, rangez vos affaires Silence! la classe, silence, et au revoir! Re-cap the song from the autumn term. Use the actions to keep pupils thinking of the meaning of the words. Song – to the tune of She’ll be coming round the mountain… Listen to the audio just to get the scansion … Bonjour la classe, sortez vos affaires Regardez, Écoutez Alors, la classe levez la main Écoutez, répondez Silence! la classe, rangez vos affaires Silence! la classe, silence, et au revoir!

2 Levez-vous! Écoutez! Regardez! Écrivez! Parlez! Dessinez!
Asseyez-vous! Écoutez! Regardez! Écrivez! Parlez! 1) Do actions to practise and embed. NB: I have put accents on the capital letters There is some dispute about this, mainly due to when people did their education! This is an interesting thread on the subject: Travaillez en paires! Sortez vos affaires! Dessinez!

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Asseyez- vous! Levez-vous! Écoutez! Regardez!
Écrivez! Parlez! 2) Say numbers and they read the instruction aloud 7 8 9 Travaillez en pairs! Sortez vos affaires! Dessinez!

4 These two activities from the booklet come after the activities on pencil case items and are envisaged for the start of the spring term. There are a couple of additions/changes in the instructions on p.21 Encourage pupils to read aloud with you and recognise the differences: 2. Sortez un crayon, instead of Sortez vos affaires 3 Un volontaire – ask them to guess what this means, and suggest which instruction from the song has a similar meaning (i.e. Levez la main) 6 Les bras croisés – I’ve found this one useful in the primary classroom as a way to get everyone’s attention quickly, to start a new activity. It would be useful to play a game of Simon Says, including ‘les bras croisés’ after pupils do the matching task. (The drawing task could be a follow up task for during the week).

5 Simon dit…… ‘Parlez’! Introduce a game of Simon says to practise the instructions. Pupils respond with the correct gesture for each instruction, but only if you preface the instruction with ‘Simon dit’

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