Les Objectifs: To be able to discuss the consequences of low standards of personal hygiene and medical care All: will be able to explain the reasons for.

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Présentation au sujet: "Les Objectifs: To be able to discuss the consequences of low standards of personal hygiene and medical care All: will be able to explain the reasons for."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Les Objectifs: To be able to discuss the consequences of low standards of personal hygiene and medical care All: will be able to explain the reasons for low health standards (AT2 4c-4b AT4 4c-4b) Most: should be able to say what must change using il faut (AT2 4b-4a AT4 4b-4a ) Some: may be able to justify their opinions about change (AT2 4a AT4 4a)

2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piqf3kR_y cc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piqf3kR_y cc

3 Le tremblement de terre de janvier 2010 Les problèmes émotionnels Les problèmes sanitaires Les problèmes pratiques Pas de médecins La tristesse La violence Le deuil Les infections et les maladies Les morts La déstruction des hôpitaux Le vol La dépression Les émeutes Le désespoir La misèreLa faim La soif La colère Pas de médicaments Les corps sur la rue Pas de maisons



6 Écrivez une paragraph La situation en Haïti Les raisons et les conséquences de la situation Ton opinion et pourquoi Les solutions (il faut…) Quest-ce que tu vas faire? What you are going to do (remember the structure of future tense, simply remplace Il faut with je vais and add an infinitive) We will use the visualiser today so make it good!

7 Check a friends Have they covered all the bullet points? Have they used a variety of vocabulary? Have they checked spellings? Are they clear? What level is it? – Opinions = L3 – Justified opinions = L4 – 2 tenses = L5 – 3 tenses = L6 What could they improve? What should they be proud of? What would you steal from them?

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