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YOUNG- Young Opportunities in UNderstanding e-Generation

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1 Challenge 7: e-Inclusion Session: ICT for Social Inclusion of young people
YOUNG- Young Opportunities in UNderstanding e-Generation By. Annabelle Boutet, Magali Moisy, Pascal Plantard ENST Bretagne - Univ. Rennes 2

2 Context Young people socially disqualified (difficulties at school, unemployed, delinquency, etc). We focus on young people which are besides institutional way of acquisition (school, family, work) Public access point to the Internet. Part of this young population are taken care in association or local institutions. Some of them have the opportunity to learn about ICT in Public access point to the Internet . >> our proposal is to share way of understanding and experience of those situations.

3 Aims To study how young people in difficulties learn about ICT technology in collective situation/context (by opposite of domestically uses). To study young behaviours in context with clinical and sociological methods (i.e. observation, interviews, experimental, etc). To produce well understanding of support methods of acquisition with ICT technology. To help to produce support methods of ICT technology acquisition.

4 Field work We propose to target two axis : Video games
Activities in Public access points to the Internet to help young people to integrate the Society of Information. We will specially focus on activities linked with the collection and the publishing around local identity or memory. We already started researches about those issues through the monitoring of Britannians projects of Cybercommune, Skoden and DRIP. Our aims are to understand the social link process in this specific situation. Video games Our aim is to understand how video games can be used by social workers to facilitate the inclusion of young people. We try to show how the youth can use what they learn in video games for their own inclusion.

5 Contacts

6 References Boutet A., Trellu H. (2006), "Appréhender son territoire à travers l'usage d'Internet", Les cahiers de l'ARS n°2, Boutet A., Trellu H. (2006), « Les modalités d’usage des technologies numériques dans le cadre du quartier de Kérourien (Brest) », janvier 2006. Moisy, M (2004). En-Jeux. Adolescence Moisy, M. (2006). Internet pour jouer et/ou étudier : le cas des étudiants joueurs de jeux vidéo. CLIOPSY Paris, Sorbonne novembre 2006. Plantard, P. (2006) Complexité et pédagogie : le cas de la recherche sur les usages des TIC en éducation et formation, Colloque international «Complexité et pensée complexe», LADEC-LAS, Université Rennes 2, Rennes – France, novembre Plantard, P. (2006). ICT in Higher Education : a question of approach, IV International Conference on Multimedia and ICTs in Education Seville - Spain, November Plantard, P. (2003), « De l'éducation populaire à l'économie solidaire ! », Collège Coopératif de Bretagne, Rennes – France. Plantard, P. (2002) – Harmony : les technologies éducatives au service de l’insertion in Réponses institutionnelles N°5 « Chemins d’écoliers, curricula en cavale » Rennes : Ed. CERPPE. Plantard, P. (2001) Ingénierie pédagogique et spécifications du système expert HARMONY – système expert d’aide à l’insertion. Thomson CSF Coopération Plantard, P. (2001) - L’insertion par l’activité économique : pédagogies de l’alternance, Orléans : Ed. CARIF. Plantard, P. (2000), « Technologies Éducatives et Exclusion », au SOMECE 2000 – Simposio Internacional de computacion en la education, Monterrey – Mexique. Plantard, P. (2000), « Approche Clinique des Technologies Éducatives », Colloque international AFIRSE, Lisbonne – Portugal. Plantard, P. (2000). - La professionnalisation des encadrants techniques d’insertion par l’activité économique, in Actualité de la formation permanente, Paris : Ed. Centre Inffo.

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