Passé Composé with “être”

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1 Passé Composé with “être”
There are 16 common verbs that had a “falling out” with “avoir.” They chose “être” as their helping verb. More free powerpoints at

2 Conjugating with “être” means:
Instead of: j’ai nous avons tu as vous avez il a ils ont You use: je suis nous sommes tu es vous êtes il est ils sont

3 Entrer = to enter, go or come in
DR. & MRS. VANDERTRAMP Aller = to go Arriver = to arrive Descendre = to go down Devenir = to become Entrer = to enter, go or come in

4 Partir = to depart, leave Rentrer = to come back (home)
DR. & MRS. VANDERTRAMP Monter = to go up Mourir = to die Naître = to be born Partir = to depart, leave Rentrer = to come back (home)

5 Rester = to stay, remain Retourner = to go back Revenir = to come back
DR. & MRS. VANDERTRAMP Rester = to stay, remain Retourner = to go back Revenir = to come back Sortir = to go out Tomber = to fall Venir = to come

6 Example: tomber EXCEPT . . . Je suis tombé Tu es tombé Il est tombé
Elle est tombé Nous sommes tombé Vous êtes tombé Ils sont tombé Elles sont tombé EXCEPT . . .

7 Something called “agreement”must be added to the past participle
Something called “agreement”must be added to the past participle! If you are a female. (e) (e) s (e) (e) (s) (es) -- s e es

8 Example: tomber Je suis tombé(e) Tu es tombé(e) Il est tombé
Elle est tombée Nous sommes tombé(e)s Vous êtes tombé(e)(s)(es) Ils sont tombés Elles sont tombées

9 Past participles are formed in the normal manner, except for 5 exceptions:
Venir = venu; Revenir = revenu; Devenir = devenu Mourir = mort Naître = né

10 Conjugating with “être” is easy.
Remember to use “être”as helping verb Add agreement!

11 FIN 2007 Marlene Sanges

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