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Devoirs… Year 7 French Homework Autumn T1
VOCAB TEST on Thursday 13/09
Homework 1 Vocabulary to memorise Bonjour Salut Comment tu t’appelles? Je m’appelle … Au revoir Comment ca s’écrit? Ça va? Oui ça va bien Non ça ne vas pas Comme si comme ça VOCAB TEST on Thursday 13/09
VOCAB TEST on Thursday 20/09
Homework 2 Memorise numbers 1 to 31 Reading Comprehension Translate the conversation into English VOCAB TEST on Thursday 20/09
Homework 3 Due 27th September
Homework 4 Due: jeudi 4 octobre Vocabulary to memorise
Reading Comprehension – write the sentences with the correct month Mon anniversaire Ton anniversaire Son anniversaire J’ai onze ans Tu as douze ans Il a un an C’est en été C’est en automne C’est en hiver C’est au printemps Translate the conversation into English Due: jeudi 4 octobre
Homework 5 Due: jeudi 11 octobre Creative Vocabulary to memorise
Draw/print or cut out a pictures two cartoon characters / actors / singers/ politicians. Imagine they meet for the first time – write a dialogues of how they greet one another, and ask how they are. Include questions about where they live, how old they are and when there birthday is. Create a visual to help you teach someone else to recall the names for each country. Are they masculine or feminine? How do you pronounce them?
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