Y8 Homework (Mr Hodgson)

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1 Y8 Homework (Mr Hodgson)
Due in on Thursday 31st January

2 Create a Short TV/ Film Diary
Write/ type a short review of what you watched this weekend. Use the language on the following slide to help you. You should aim to include: What you watched (the type of show & its name) What time Who you watched it with What time it was on What channel it was on What you thought of it (opinion) You can hand write this, type and print or type and to:

3 Ce que j’ai regardé à la télé
Normalement, J’aime regarder… Hier soir, j’ai regardé… Un film qui s’appelle… Une série qui s’appelle… C’était sur … À … (time) J’ai pensé que c’était… Pendant l’émission, j’ai mangé… Après, j’ai joué… Normally I like to watch… Yesterday evening, I watched… A film that is called… A series that is called… It was on… (channel) At … (give a time) I thought that it was … During the programme, I ate… Afterwards, I played…

4 une série un dessin animé les informations un documentaire une série policière un jeu télévisé the news a game show a documentary a police series a series a cartoon

5 Passionnant = exciting
Marrant = fun Intéressant = interesting Bien = good Pas mal = not bad Ennuyeux = boring Affreux = terrible Nul = rubbish

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