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Mardi 30 octobre Français I, II, PreAP/AP
La toute première personne à être enterrée au Père Lachaise était une fillette de cinq ans. De nombreuses célébrités y sont enterrées. On peut toujours se faire enterrer au Père Lachaise. Ça coûte environ treize mille euros pour une concession à vie, mais on peut choisir 50, 30, ou 10 ans. The very first person buried in Le Père Lachaise was a five year old girl. Many celebrities are buried there. Anyone can still be buried there, it cost about eighteen thousand dollars for life, but we can choose, 50, 30 or 10 years. BELL WORK ONLY FRENCH FOR PRE AP/AP ONLY ENGLISH FOR FRENCH I, II Online Risky Relationship
Questions What is a factor to the hauntings in New Orleans?►
Who was Delphine Mc Carthy LaLaurie? What did her and her husband do? Cite a couple of events that happen at their house now? Who is Marie Laveau? How, where does she appear now? Who is Chloe? What happened to her and what did she do? What happens now? Who is Captain Mary Green?
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