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5 Whys A technique for getting past first impressions and finding the root cause of a problem
5 Whys technique is simply involves being persistent enough to go beyond the first impressions. Continue to investigate the details because there is often more to the situation than meets the eye.
5 Whys In problem solving you will find that the first impressions do not always reveal the real cause. Study the issue, ask why, investigate, as you get more detail keep asking why. Practice tells us that after 5 whys you will be close to the real answer. Original ProblemWhy?InvestigateAnswerWhy? InvestigateAnswerWhy? InvestigateAnswerWhy? InvestigateAnswerWhy? InvestigateThe Real Answer
5 Why Process
5 Why Example We have a problem. There is high product waste causing downtime and low production. Why is there high waste? Because the machine is inconsistent. Why? Because the air valves are sticking. Why? Because there is water in the lines. Why? Because … the PM was skipped. Why would we skip a PM? …Because we needed more production. … In this pretend example the problem is not the high waste. … the problem is the decision to skip the PM.
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