Le conditionnel « Would ».

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Présentation au sujet: "Le conditionnel « Would »."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 le conditionnel « Would »

2 Objectif: SWBAT: Use the conditionnel mood to discuss having car trouble.

3 Now that we have reviewed.
The conditionnel is the new tense we are learning. It means « would. »

4 How would you say « would »
1. find your stem 2. Add on the endings from the imperfect

5 1. Find your stem We find the stem by taking a verb and crossing out everything after the last R. trouver - stays trouver répondre - becomes repiner finir - becomes finir

6 2. Add on the imperfect endings. What were they?
Je ais Tu ais Il ait Nous ions Vous iez Ils aient

7 Example: I would love We know love is aimer Je 1. Go to the last R
2. Add on imperfect ending je ais So, it would become: Je aimerais

8 One last one We would look at Nous/ regarder 1. go to the last R
2. add in the imperfect ending nous regarderions

9 What about the verbs that don’t follow the pattern?
like etre or avoir

10 etre - the stem is set je serais tu serais il serait nous serions vous seriez ils seraient

11 Avoir: to have Stem: aur j’aurais tu aurais il aurait nous aurions
vous auriez ils auraient

12 Vouloir- voudr To want

13 Pouvoir- pourr To be able

14 Devoir- devr Should

15 Savoir - saur To know facts

16 Venir- viendr To come from

17 Envoyer- enverr To send

18 Connaitre- connaitr To know people/ places

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