Aujourd’hui nous allons…

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1 Aujourd’hui nous allons…
r_ _ _ _ _er é_ _ _ _er Part of essential classroom language – introduce pupils early to infinitive verbs by miming and saying these 4 skills that pupils are going to use in their learning today (and in lots of future lessons). Ensure pupils know what they mean, and what ‘nous allons’ means. p_ _ _er p_ _ _er faire des gestes

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Revise the greetings, using the gestures - they are as follows 1. Salut 2. Bonjour 3. Ca va? 4. Oui 5. Non 6 Au revoir 7 Oui, ca va super / fantastique 8 Oui, ca va pas mal, merci 9 non, ca ne va pas! 7 8 9

3 les instructions en classe

4 Levez-vous! Écoutez! Regardez! Écrivez! Parlez! Dessinez!
Asseyez-vous! Écoutez! Regardez! Écrivez! Parlez! 1) Do actions to practise and embed. NB: I have put accents on the capital letters There is some dispute about this, mainly due to when people did their education! This is an interesting thread on the subject: Travaillez en paires! Sortez vos affaires! Dessinez!

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Asseyez- vous! Levez-vous! Écoutez! Regardez!
Écrivez! Parlez! 2) Say numbers and they read the instruction aloud 7 8 9 Travaillez en pairs! Sortez vos affaires! Dessinez!

6 les instructions Asseyez-vous Sortez vos affaires Regardez Écoutez
Répetez Répondez Levez la main Dessinez Écrivez Rangez vos affaires Silence! Levez-vous These are the same instructions, with five additions (in bold) and presented in a logical order for the start – middle – end of a lesson. Agree gestures for the five new instructions w ith the class to incorporate them.

7 3) Say phrase and they do the correct action 4) Call out phrases and they show the correct picture.

8 1 NB: For the next three slides, you do need these images on small cards. 5) Then do listening where they organise the cards according to what they hear (pair activity)

9 2 5) Then do listening where they organise the cards in pairs.

10 3 5) Then do listening where they organise the cards in pairs.

11 1 2 3 4 5 6 6) Say numbers and they say the correct action 7 8 9

12 Dessinez les instructions!
Parlez! Regardez! Levez-vous! Ecoutez! En paires! Sortez vos affaires! Ecrivez! Asseyez- vous! Dessinez!

13 les instructions Bonjour la classe, sortez vos affaires
Regardez, écoutez Alors, la classe, levez la main Écoutez, répondez Silence! la classe, rangez vos affaires Silence! la classe, silence, et au revoir! Song – to the tune of She’ll be coming round the mountain… Listen to the audio just to get the scansion … Bonjour la classe, sortez vos affaires Regardez, Écoutez Alors, la classe levez la main Écoutez, répondez Silence! la classe, rangez vos affaires Silence! la classe, silence, et au revoir!

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