Family Tree Project.

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Présentation au sujet: "Family Tree Project."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Family Tree Project

2 Your Tree The tree can be your own family, a celebrity family, a cartoon family, a made-up family. The objective is for you to use French & be able to describe people. If you do not feel comfortable using your own family, you don’t have to. But you still have to do the project, so find another family that you want to use.

3 10 People Each person will have the following information listed (in French): My _______ (relationship) (ex: Mon Pere, Ma Mere) His/her name is ____________.(ex: Il s’appelle________/Elle s’appelle_____) He/She is __________ years old. (ex: Il a ___ ans/ Elle a ___ ans)

4 Completing The Project
You will be given class time to complete the project. Use the time wisely. Please include pictures (It doesn’t have to be drawings of your family, just something to represent each person besides a dot) Get creative and use COLOR Should be completed on an 8x11 sheet of paper

5 Assignment Steps 1. Decide who you will include in your family tree.
2. Draw a rough draft connecting the family members. Just write their names. 3. On a separate sheet of paper, start writing the text portion for your family members in French. 4. Have someone correct your text and check your family tree connections. 5. Finish good copy to be handed in.

6 Ma F AM I L E Mon grand-père Il s’appelle Chet. Il est mort.
Ma grande-mère Elle s’appelle Marilyn. Elle est mort. Ma tante Elle s’appelle Doanne. Elle a 60 ans. Ma mère Elle s’appelle Holly Elle a 53 ans. Mon père Il s’appelle David. Il a 54 ans Mon oncle Il s’appelle Chet. Il a 50 ans. Mon oncle Il s’appelle Winkie. Il a 63 ans. Moi Je ma’ppelle Nicole. J’ai trente-deux ans. Ma cousine Elle s’appelle Holly. Elle a 21 ans. Ma soeur Elle s’appelle Heather. Elle a 29 ans.

7 Connecting Family Members
Solid line connects two people who are married. Also used to connect them to their children. Dotted line connects two people who are not married, but have children together. Be careful not to connect siblings with any lines - you are related, not married!

8 Divorced relatives Anne Dave Jennifer Steve -------- Luke Donna ME Ben
Dave & Jennifer were married & had two kids - me & my brother Ben. They divorced. Dave remarried Anne (my stepmom) and they had Donna, my half-sister. Anne already had a son, Luke (my step-brother). My mom remarried Steve, but they didn’t have any more kids. Luke Donna ME Ben

9 Symbols for Family Tree

10 Ma Famille  Ma Grand Mère Maternelle. Elle s’appelle Bernadette.
Elle a 84 ans Elle est gentille, Mon Grand Père Maternelle. Il s’appelle Reginald. Il a 86 ans Il est calme. Ma Grand Mère Paternelle Elle s’appelle Mary. Elle est mort. Elle est courageuse. Mon Grand Père Paternelle. Il s’appelle Daniel Il est mort. Il est drole. Ma Mère. Elle s’appelle Karan. Elle a 61 ans Elle est travailleuse. Mon Oncle- Allan Mon Père. Il s’appelle Danny. Il a 60 ans. Il est intelligent. Ma Tante- Ruby Mon Oncle- Gerry Mon Oncle- Ian MOI! Je m’appelle Danielle. J’ai 31 ans. Je suis sportive. Mon Mari Il s’appelle Kyle. Il a 32 ans Il est magnifique. Ma Jumelle. Elle s’appelle Amanda. Elle a 31 ans Elle est comique. Ma Soeur. Elle s’appelle Melissa. Elle a 35 ans Elle est patiente. Ma Famille  Ma Fille Elle s’appelle Aubree. Elle a 4 ans Elle est plein de vie. Mon Fils Il s’appelle Luke Il a 1 ans. Il est heureux.

11 Assessment Rubric Grade Outcomes Assessed 4 3 2 1
1.2 suivre des directives de plus en plus longues (follow multi-step directions) 1.9 Décrire les traits physiques et personnalités (describe physical and personality traits) 3.5 se corriger (correct and revise) 4.5 Produire une variété de textes en se servant du présent (produce a variety of texts in the present tense)

12 Il for Masculin/ Elle for Feminin
Peer Editing Your Name: _________________ Person you are Editing:__________________ Checklist for Peer Editing: Look For: Correct Incorrect/edited Il for Masculin/ Elle for Feminin Mon/Son for Masculin Ma/Sa for Feminin Il a___ ans/Elle a___ans NOT Il est/Elle est For Age Masculin Personality Adjectif (-if, -eux, no –e) Feminin Personality Adjective (-ive, -euse, -e) Family Connections

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