Français 2, 27 mars 2017 Use the passé compose to tell me about five things you did over the weekend. What kind of clothes do lawyers wear in court? Dire.

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Présentation au sujet: "Français 2, 27 mars 2017 Use the passé compose to tell me about five things you did over the weekend. What kind of clothes do lawyers wear in court? Dire."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Français 2, 27 mars 2017 Use the passé compose to tell me about five things you did over the weekend. What kind of clothes do lawyers wear in court? Dire – to say. Fais ce que je dis, mais ne fais pas ce que je fais. Do as I say, not as I do. Goals – Watch Manon of the Spring. How does Manon get her revenge? Les Devoirs – Study for Quiz 5-1 tomorrow

2 Français 2, 28 mars 2017 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 137. Faites le 15. Why did the computer squeek? Seulement – only. C’est seulement de la fiction. It’s only fiction. Goals – Set up for Orale 5-1. Write dialogue and practice. Les Devoirs – Write dialogue 5-1 revised.

3 Français 2, 29 mars 2017 Cinq minutes preparer à l’interro 5-1.
Why are blond jokes so short? Faire attention – to be careful. Mais tu feras attention, n’est-ce pas? But you’ll be careful, won’t you? Goals – Completez et corrigez l’interro 5-1 Les Devoirs – A la page 138, faites le 17.

4 Français 2, 30 mars 2017 Ecrivez cinq choses qui s’est passé ce semain. How may men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper? Ensemble – together. Nous le regardons ensemble demain soir. We’ll watch it together tomorrow night. Goals – Work on inquiring and expressing satisfaction and frustration. Les Devoirs – A la page 140, faites le 21.

5 Français 2, 31 mars 2017 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 149. Faites le 5.
How do you get a man to do sit-ups? Faire exprès – to do on purpose. Je n’ai pas fait exprès! I didn’t do it on purpose Goals – Watch Manon of the Spring. How does the town react to the well running dry? Did they know what the Soubeyrans did to Jean? Answer and explain. Les Devoirs – pas.

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