La Bombe. Give two ways to say hello Give two ways to say goodbye.

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Présentation au sujet: "La Bombe. Give two ways to say hello Give two ways to say goodbye."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 La Bombe

2 Give two ways to say hello

3 Give two ways to say goodbye

4 quarante-six - trente-deux = ?

5 Give 3 different females

6 Marc ___ __ ami canadien.

7 She is italian.

8 Comment tappelles-tu?

9 Comment ça va?

10 Comment sappelle ton ami?

11 Give the indefinite articles: ami, livre, librairie

12 Respond to: À bientôt!

13 Cest Pierre. ____ ___américain.

14 Qui est-ce?

15 Three affirmative adjectives

16 Opposite of: pessimiste, patient and agréable

17 Give 4 masculine nationalities

18 Claire is French.

19 Say My origin is German and French

20 We (m) are French and selfish.

21 How would you ask an adult How are you?

22 We are Vietnamese and Russian.

23 Say: There are no computers.

24 Say The girls are Canadian.

25 quarante-neuf – trente-trois = ?

26 Soixante – quarante-quatre =?

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