Match up the verb to the rest of the sentence 1.Je mange 2.Je joue 3.Jécoute 4.Jhabite 5.Je chante 6.Je parle 7.Je fais 8.Je danse 9.Je vais la guitare.

Présentations similaires

Présentation au sujet: "Match up the verb to the rest of the sentence 1.Je mange 2.Je joue 3.Jécoute 4.Jhabite 5.Je chante 6.Je parle 7.Je fais 8.Je danse 9.Je vais la guitare."— Transcription de la présentation:


2 Match up the verb to the rest of the sentence 1.Je mange 2.Je joue 3.Jécoute 4.Jhabite 5.Je chante 6.Je parle 7.Je fais 8.Je danse 9.Je vais la guitare électrique B.dans une apartement C.dans la discotheque D.en France E.un sandwich la musique G.en français H.mes devoirs I.Someone Like You

3 Match up the meanings 1.Je mange 2.Je joue 3.Jécoute 4.Jhabite 5.Je chante 6.Je parle 7.Je fais 8.Je danse 9.Je vais A.I listen to B.I live C.I sing D.I eat E.I do F.I speak G.I go H.I dance I.I play

4 All Some Most

5 What instructions are these words telling you to do?

6 Why are they in two different colours? What do you notice?

7 What instruction do you think Ashleigh is giving Pudsey? A.Joue! B.Mange! C.Danse! D.Chante!

8 What instruction do you think Ashleigh is giving Pudsey? A.Joue! B.Reste! C.Mange! D.Danse! E.Chante!

9 What instruction do you think Ashleigh is giving Pudsey? A.Joue! B.Reste! C.Sourie! (smile) D.Mange! E.Danse! F.Chante!

10 What instruction do you think Ashleigh is giving Pudsey? A.Joue! B.Reste! C.Tournes! D.Mange! E.Danse! F.Chante!

11 Synchronised swimming 1 = la jambe gauche (left leg) 2 = la jambe droite (right leg) 3 = le bras gauche (left arm) 4 = le bras droit (right arm) 5 = le corps (body) 6 = la tête (head) 1 = tournes(turn) 2 = leve(lift) 3 = pose(relax) 4 = touche(touch) 5 = indique(point) 6 = plie(bend)


13 Instructions for Pudsey 1.weave 2.sit 5.roll over 6.bounce 7.walk 8.climb 9.stay 10.forwards 11.right 12.left 13.hold 14.jump 1.slalome! 2.asses! 3.vas! 4.danse! 5.retourne! 6.saute! 7.promene! 8.monte! 9.reste! 10.tout droit! 11.à droite! 12.à gauche! 13.attends! 14.saute! h?v=5IaWHhHAMJk

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