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Publié parFernande Gillot Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Sport Since at least the early 1900s, when the phenomenon began in Britain, coloured scarves have been traditional supporter wear for fans of association football teams across the world, even those in warmer climates. These scarves come in a wide variety of sizes and are made in a club's particular colours and may contain the club crest, pictures of renowned players, and various slogans relating to the history of the club and its rivalry with others. In the United Kingdom, the most popular and traditional type is a simple design with alternating bars of colour in the individual team's traditional colours. In continental Europe many Ultras groups produce their own scarf designs. As part of pre-match build-ups, or during matches, fans will create a 'scarf wall' in which all supporters in a section of the stadium will stretch out their scarves above their heads with both hands, creating an impressive 'wall' of color, usually accompanied by the singing of a club anthem such as "You'll Never Walk Alone" at Liverpool F.C.[2] or "Grazie Roma" at A.S. Roma. This was initially solely a British phenomenon, but has since spread to Europe and South America. Source: Wikipedia
LA COUPE DU MONDE LE FOOTBALL Choose France or a Francophone country. Design a Soccer scarf that represents the country and you! (Make sure it is colorful!)
Belgique Bénin Burkina-Faso Burundi Cameroun Canada République centrafricaine Tchad Comores République démocratique du Congo Djibouti France Gabon Guinée Haïti Côte dIvoire Luxembourg Madagascar Mali Monaco Niger République du Congo Rwanda Sénégal Seychelles Suisse Togo Vanuatu LA FRANCE et LES PAYS FRANCOPHONES
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