Mon rêve serait d’être chirurgien.

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Présentation au sujet: "Mon rêve serait d’être chirurgien."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Mon rêve serait d’être chirurgien.
Quand j’avais six ans, je voulais devenir footballeur. J’aimerais travailler dans le domaine medical. 10 My dream would be to be a surgeon. 7 When I was 6 years old, I used to want to become a footballer. Before seeing a text, take phrases from it to be translated. Pupils work on their own and before each slide is shown, decide whether they will do gold, silver or bronze. Marks are awarded for each. You will obviously need to make the phrases progressively more difficult to translate, to be able to award points. When pupils have translated their chosen phrase, they swap with a partner to have it marked. You show the answers after a given amount of time. Use the green pens to peer mark. Who has the highest score? 3 I’d like to work in the medical field.

2 Je voudrais travailler pour un grand journal.
Je voulais être astronaute. Quand j’étais petite… 10 I’d like to work for a big newspaper. 7 I used to want to be an astronaut. 3 When I was small…

3 Je pense que je préférerais être vétérinaire.
Je voulais devenir pompier. Ce serait très difficile. 10 I think I would prefer to be a vet. 7 I used to want to become a fire fighter. 3 It would be very difficult.

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