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Publié parValéry Petitjean Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Le Projet de Gestion de la Chaine d’Approvisionnement
Hello, Thank you very much for inviting us today. What we want to do is give you a quick overview of the Supply Chain Management System project— its structure its team members its purpose and objectives Its major strategies the categories of products we expect to deal with, and the technical areas we’re available to work in. I’ll try to do that in no more than 30 minutes, to leave plenty of time for questions at the end. But if there’s something you don’t understand while I’m droning on, please interrupt me and ask. First, though, a word about who we are: [Introduce whichever SCMS staff are present.] Le Projet de Gestion de la Chaine d’Approvisionnement Le Partenariat pour la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement Seminaire Technique des Consultants OMS/AMDS Dakar Mars 2006
Plan d’urgence du président pour la lutte contre le SIDA (PEPFAR):
I think everyone knows the President’s Plan targets— treatment for 2 million HIV-infected people prevention of 7 million new infections, and care for 10 million people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. And those targets cover— 15 focus countries for 5 years, and up to $15 billion. The SCMS project is obviously a key part of the President’s Plan, and in our view a prerequisite for the success of all the other parts. As the DELIVER project says: “No product? No program.” Fournir le traitement à 2 millions de personnes infectées par le VIH Prévenir 7 millions de nouvelles infections Fournir des soins à 10 millions de personnes infectées et affectées par le VIH/SIDA y compris les orphelins et les enfants vulnérables 15 pays cibles Durée de 5 ans Budget total d’un peu plus de $15 milliards
Contract de 5 ans à quantité illimitée
Le contrat de SCMS: Here’s the structure of the SCMS contract— The contract award is for five years, and it’s an Indefinite Quantity Contract, or IQC. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the IQC mechanism, this means that the technical scope of the contract is agreed at a high level, but only a small amount of funding is actually put into the contract in an initial task order. As the government’s requirements become clear, more funding is added, through modifications to the existing task order or through additional task orders. That way the government can award a contract without knowing every detail of what’s actually needed over the contract’s life. In our case, we don’t know who all will want our commodities, or what commodities they will want, or when they’ll want them. So this mechanism fits the SCMS case perfectly. The contract was awarded to the Partnership for Supply Chain Management (hereafter, PSCM) at the end of September. I’ll come back to who we are in a minute. The first task order was also awarded to us at the end of September. Its technical scope is the entire scope of the contract, so if you’ve seen the RFP, you’ve seen our whole scope. We don’t have anything like these funding levels yet, but the USG estimates that in the three years covered by Task Order 1, we’ll be asked to procure up to $500 million of commodities. That’s the landed cost, by which I mean it includes the costs of storage, insurance, shipping, customs clearance, and delivery to the final consignee, whether that be a central medical store or some lower level in the service delivery system. The three-year Task Order 1 award includes an estimated $77 million in direct costs for technical assistance at the country level, establishing the global MIS that will help both PEPFAR and other donors and partners manage their supply chains, and the project infrastructure to do all this. The ceiling price of the contract is $7 billion, which is why we’ve developed a whole lot of new friends we never knew we had….Obviously, it’s a long way from $577 million to $7 billion, and we only have a fraction of the $577. The way we get from the lower figure to the higher one is by additional task orders or modifications to the current task order. And those modifications will be based on demand from the field. One final thing about the contract structure: A task order can be issued right up to the end of the five-year contract period, and task orders can have a length of three years. So effectively this mechanism could be used for 8 years if the USG wants to. Contract de 5 ans à quantité illimitée Attribué en Septembre 2005 au Partenariat pour la Gestion de la Chaine d’Approvisionnement(PSCM) Mise en oeuvre initiale de trois ans Environ $500 millions de produits( coûts au débarquement) Environ $77 millions en coûts directs pour l’assistance technique, le Système d’information pour la Gestion, et l’infrastructure du projet Plafond du contrat: $7 milliards
Le Partenariat pour la gestion de la chaine d’approvisionnement (PSCM)
Let me switch gears for a minute and talk about the Partnership and the team— PSCM is a non-profit partnership established for the purpose of implementing the SCMS contract. The two partners in the partnership are JSI Research and Training, and Management Sciences for Health, which are both non-profits as well. JSI is the managing partner, which means we are tasked to make sure implementation actually happens, though obviously we will do that in close cooperation with MSH and all the other team members. The SCMS project team currently includes 17 institutions who joined together for this bid. We said in the proposal—and we truly believe—that our team exactly mirrors the constellation of groups who must be engaged in an effective response to the HIV pandemic. Our team includes non-profit organizations, commercial private sector corporations, academic institutions, and faith-based organizations. Here’s who we currently are— Partenariat à but non lucratif établi pour SCMS JSI Research & Training, Inc. (JSI) – Chef d’Equipe Management Sciences for Health (MSH) L’Equipe du Projet SCMS : 17 institutions partenaires Organisations à but non lucratif Sociétés du secteur privé commercial Institutions Académiques Organisations confessionnelles
L’Equipe du projet SCMS
Affordable Medicines for Africa – Johannesburg, SA AMFA Foundation – St. Charles, IL Booz Allen Hamilton – McLean, VA Crown Agents Consultancy, Inc. – Washington, DC The Fuel Logistics Group (Pty) Ltd. – Sandton, SA International Dispensary Association – Amsterdam JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. – Boston, MA Management Sciences for Health, Inc. – Boston, MA Manoff Group, Inc. – Washington, DC MAP International – Brunswick, GA Net1 UEPS Technologies, Inc. – Rosebank, SA The North-West University – Potchefstroom, SA Northrop Grumman – McLean, VA Program for Appropriate Technology in Health – Seattle, WA UPS Supply Chain SolutionsSM – Atlanta, GA Voxiva, Inc. – Washington, DC 3i Infotech, Inc. – Edison, NJ
But du projet SCMS Now let me switch gears again and tell you about our technical scope— This is the project purpose, as stated in the contract— To establish and operate a safe, secure, reliable, and sustainable supply chain management system to procure pharmaceuticals and other products needed to provide care and treatment of persons with HIV/AIDS and related infections. We can work anywhere in the world, but with emphasis on the 15 PEPFAR countries that you see here: Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guyana, Haiti, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Vietnam. A bit more specifically, we are intended “to create, enhance, and promote an uninterrupted supply of high-quality, low-cost products that flow through accountable systems” which can do the following things— Rapidly scale up to support HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care—as quickly as national service delivery systems can scale up. Ensure the quality of drugs, test kits, and other supplies—to world-class standards. Build capacity for long-term sustainable procurement and distribution of drugs and commodities, in addition to delivering products promptly. And while we’re doing all that— Respect intellectual property law at both international and national levels. Créer, améliorer et promovoir, un approvisionnement ininterrompu de produits de haute qualité et à bas prix dans des systèmes responsabilisés qui peuvent: Rapidement aller à l’échelle pour appuyer la prévention , le traitement et autres soins du HIV/SIDA: Assurer la qualité des médicaments, des kits pour les tests, et autres produits Développer la capacité pour pérenniser l’’approvisionnement et la distribution à long terme des médicaments et autres produits Respecter les lois relatives au droit d’áuteur(propriété intellectuelle) au niveau national et international Mettre en place et faire fonctionner un système de gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement offrant le maximum de garantie, fiable et pérenne pour acheter des produits pharmaceutiques et d’autres produits pour les soins aux personnes souffrant du VIH/SIDA et infections opportunistes à travers le monde, mais… plus particulièrement dans les pays suivants: Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guyana, Haiti, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, et Vietnam
We don’t know what all our strategies are yet, but here’s some of the cross-cutting ones—
One stop shopping: SCMS is intended to provide any commodities and related equipment that a comprehensive HIV prevention and treatment program needs. You all know that there’s waiver and approval issues that need to be dealt with in order to allow us to do this, and we can only buy products that USAID has approved. But the intent is to make that approved list large enough to accommodate everything any country needs. The one exception is that we can’t buy condoms and other family planning products. That’s not because of the politics of abstinence—which we’ve already been accused of in a couple of press reports—but because USAID already has a perfectly well-functioning mechanism for providing these products, and there’s no need to change it. Country focus: We believe that the supply chain begins and ends in country: it begins with an on-going local determination of needs and requirements, and ends when the required products are delivered to those who need them. I’ll talk more about our proposed country efforts in a minute. In-country supply systems: We’re meant to augment and improve in-country supply chains, not replace them. I think this key point was misunderstood by the public and some of the other bidders during the SCMS bidding process. We do have the capability to parachute products all the way in to the service delivery point, and we will do that when we need to to save lives. But generally we will work through whatever systems exist, strengthening them as we go. Regional warehousing and distribution: One of our key strategies for strengthening local supply chains is to avoid crushing them under an avalanche of HIV/AIDS commodities. Through DELIVER, RPM, and other projects, our team members have worked in all of the PEPFAR countries for years or decades. Their existing systems are much better than they were, but none of them are capable of handling the vastly increased volumes that PEPFAR and everybody else’s targets contemplate. One part of the solution to this throughput issue is to create a smooth, continuous flow of smaller volumes of product through in-country pipelines. So instead of sending one enormous shipment per year or per quarter, we’d send smaller shipments monthly, or if necessary weekly or even daily. The way to do that cost effectively is to make larger, less-frequent international shipments to regional storage facilities, and then smaller, more frequent shipments farther down the supply chain. The regional facilities essentially serve as a wide spot in the pipeline, where stock levels can rise and fall. The regional restocking and reissuing process serves as a buffer against fluctuations in demand further down the chain, allows much quicker response to unexpected demand, and allows us to ensure that per-shipment quantities don’t overwhelm their recipients. I’ve already mentioned that Fuel, IDA, and MAP will operate regional facilities for us. We’ll add others as needed. Collaboration: And finally, doing all this will require us to collaborate with stakeholders at every level, from the service delivery programs to the international donors. I’ll say this again at the end, but our services are meant to be strictly additive to whatever is already in place and working. Stratégies Achat consolidé: tous les produits et équipement dont un programme aura besoin pour l’ensemble de ses activitiés de prévention et de traitement VIH (sauf condoms et produits PF) Vision pays (commence avec l’estimation des besoins et finit quand le produit est delivré à ceux qui en ont besoin) Renforce — mais ne remplace pas — les systèmes d’approvisionnement du pays Centres de distribution régionaux (Fuel, IDA, MAP, others…) Protège l’infrastructure du pays Accroit la capacité de réponse Livraison continue de petites quantités de produits dans les pays Regrouper les envois Collaboration,au niveau mondial et local
Types de Produits VIH/SIDA
I’ve already said that we hope to be able to buy just about everything, but here’s the illustrative list from the contract— ARVs Drugs for opportunistic infections Drugs for STIs Drugs for home care and palliative care Drugs for TB Rapid HIV test kits Laboratory equipment and supplies Medical supplies, and Miscellaneous (e.g., vehicles). ARVs ( y compris les produits génériques à approver par la FDA ou en voie d’approbation) Médicaments pour le traitement des infections opportunistes Médicaments contre les IST Médicaments pour les traitements palliatifs Médicaments antituberculeux Les kits de tests rapides de VIH Les équipements et produits de laboratoires Les produits et équipements médicaux Divers (exemples: véhicules)
SIGL Système de gestion de projet Volets du Projet Asurance Qualité
Activités de terrain dans les pays And now, at long last, a bit about what we actually hope to do. There’s six components to the effort— In-country technical support A comprehensive logistics Management Information System A competitive and transparent procurement capacity A quality assurance program Freight forwarding and warehousing services, and A comprehensive management system. I’ll say a little about each component. SIGL Transport et Emmagasinage Approvision nement
Assistance Technique aux pays
Evaluation et assistance technique ( là où une assistance est demandée) Assistance pour les achats Sélection des médicaments Estimation des besoins/quantification Enregistrement du médicament Dédouanemnt et livraison Vol/diversion – actions correctives Développement de la capacité humaine pour la gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement Plans d’assurance qualité Plans de pérennisation et de sécurité des produits First, and last (as I said), is in-country technical support. Among the things we can provide are— Assessments and TA: We can send a team to countries who invite us to do an assessment of activities already underway, and advise whether or how we can add value to them. In many cases, JSI and MSH have already done this ground work through RPM and DELIVER. Among all the SCMS project team members, we have at least one existing office and frequently two or three in all 15 focus countries. So we wouldn’t be starting from scratch. Again, any TA we provide is intended to augment existing efforts. And it can range from occasional short-term visits to solve specific problems to multi-person long-term offices. Procurement assistance: We can provide long- and short-term TA in everything related to procurement of HIV commodities. Obvious areas of work for products that SCMS is purchasing include drug selection, forecasting and quantification, and drug registration. But procurement assistance doesn’t have to be limited to products we are buying. We can help other donors and organizations that buy their own products too. Customs clearance and delivery: We can provide help getting SCMS-supplied products through the port and to the recipient. Who the recipient actually is will be an individual program decision. We anticipate delivering at least to the central medical store of a ministry of health, for example, but we can deliver directly further down the supply chain as requested, and help with improvements to programs’ existing distribution systems. Theft and diversion: Particularly for ARVs, the physical security requirements will in some cases be much greater than any of our recipients has had to deal with in the past. Our team members—especially Fuel, Crown, UPS, and Net1—know more about physical security of commercial goods than anyone in the world. We can provide security at the level of fingerprints if it’s required. Human capacity: DELIVER, RPM, and other projects are already working in training and performance improvement for supply chain management. DELIVER and its predecessor projects alone stopped counting at 100,000 developing country staff trained. SCMS can augment these efforts as needed. QA plans: We can help national organizations develop processes and procedures for ensuring satisfactory storage and shipping conditions in their own supply chains, for visual inspection of products, for establishing complaint ladders, and for sampling for testing of suspect products. Sustainability plans: We can help develop plans for sustaining these sorts of activities that over time will allow host-country organizations to manage their distribution systems with less and less assistance from the likes of us.
Cycle de Prévision et d’achat au niveau pays
Planification de l’ appro PipeLine Assurer l’approbation des commandes INFORMATION Net1 / Smartcard / Voxiva / Orion Highlight a few steps: Field offices will continuously gather new information about treatment regimens, program scale-up, and other areas to validate assumptions used in forecasts. Using this information they will revise the forecast and supply plan every quarter, and verify that approvals for funding and ordering remain valid. Field office staff will regularly monitor the digital dashboard, and encourage clients to do so also, in order to keep track of procurement and shipments. After delivery to the final destination, field office staff will continue to follow products to their ultimate destination so that consumption data can be used for revising orders. Recalls, expired and damaged products will be dealt with through the reverse logistics process. (This can actually happen at any time; not tied to quarterly cycle.) Systems using IT will be tested and utilized by IC staff to drive the process. Products flow down the supply chain, information flows back up it. Quantification & Prévisions Quantimed/ProQ Logistique à rebours Suivi des Achats (Tableau numérique) Accélération des livraisons Prévisions et cycle d’achat trimestriel niveau pays Suivi des Envois Flexible GlobalView de UPS
MIS - Sample Dashboard Something that SCMS will have in terms of management information systems that most other projects do not offer is a real time information dashboard. A Dashboard can give users essential continued performance monitoring through a web-based, global, real-time view of customer demand, inventory availability, shipment status, drug levels, patient status, etc. To keep users from being inundated with data, the system can use exception reporting, triggering alerts when something goes awry. The need for data varies according to the user. MIS can offer a wealth of information, but managers can choose what they want to see. The system is available to every key leader in the SCMS, from USAID, OGAC, the PMO, Unit Staff to Country Managers, Partners and Facilities. Performance dashboards will be created for each of the 15 countries, with country-level maps and performance indicators relevant to that country (overall project indicators specific to that country, relevant indicators from functional areas - -for example if there is no procurement being done in that country, procurement performance indicators will not be displayed). In order to create, must Visualize key data and indicators broken down into components. Key questions: What information do you need to do your job? Where will the data come from to populate those indicators? What is the best way to see your key indicators? (i.e. graphs, table, chart, map, etc.) over what time period, how up to date? Who will have access to what items?
Achat Several points about procurement— The intent of the SCMS contract is to leverage purchasing volumes to obtain best prices by consolidating procurements across many recipients. Frankly, the IQC contract structure makes this strategy harder to implement. But our procurement agents—IDA and Crown Agents—are already procuring large quantities of the products we will need under other mechanisms and with other funding sources. As far as the individual manufacturer is concerned, he or she is buying from Crown, not from CDC or SCMS or whoever else. So they’ll be able to leverage across all their customers, to everyone’s benefit. As you know, we are required to procure the highest quality products, and in compliance with all USG laws and regulations. We’ll publish and maintain an e-catalog of all the products available for purchase through SCMS, and we’ll work with USAID and the USG to make that catalog as comprehensive as the law allows. Again, we’ll keep track of capacity constraints among the suppliers of products—regardless of whether we are the purchaser—and make these data accessible to everyone who needs it. One final note: In the beginning, we are tasked to purchase commodities for all the USG PEPFAR participants who want our help. After two years, the USG anticipates allowing other donors and stakeholders to use the SCMS mechanism if they so desire. Acheter de grands volumes (achats consolidés) pour avoir le meilleur prix au niveau mondial Médicaments et produits de qualité Confirmité avec les lois et règlementations du gouvernement américain E-catalog Contraintes liées à la capacité de fabrication Clients Initiallement, Participants PEPFAR du gouvernement américain Après 2 ans, d’autres
Transport et emmagasinage
Regarding freight forwarding and warehousing functions— First and foremost, we’ll provide timely, accurate, and safe transport to the recipients of our products, whether that be door-to-port, door-to-door, or farther down the pipeline than the front door. We’ll provide cold/cool chain product management throughout our part of the supply chain, and help our host-country clients do so as well. And these last three I’ve already talked about. Transport et emmagasinage faits à temps, précis et en sécurité. Modalités de livraison des médicaments et des produits: Au port d’entrée Au magasin Central Aux magasins intermédiaires Aux points de prestations de service Une gestion appropriée de la chaîne de froid Des centres de distribution régionaux pour plus d’efficicacité et d’économie Suivi des envois du fournisseur au bénéficiaire Mesures de sécurité physique
Assurance qualité Vendeur, donateur, et qualification du produit
For QA— We’ll work with all the USG stakeholders on qualification of vendors, donors (for products that may be donated to SCMS), and suppliers. How the qualification process will work is an open question at the moment. The initial project design for SCMS included a separate contract or USG mechanism for this, but that hasn’t materialized. So we’ll need to work with USAID and you all to sort out how this function will get done. Regardless, we’ll maintain complete QA documentation for the vendors and products we deal with, and share that data as appropriate with other stakeholders. We can test products for compliance with specifications, and also test suspect commodities. North-West University will be our main QA lab partner, but PATH, Crown Agents, and IDA also have testing capabilities. In the case of suspect commodities, we can use independent qualified laboratories for testing. And as I already mentioned, we can help our host-country partners create standards that help assure product quality. Vendeur, donateur, et qualification du produit Maintenance des documents d’assurance qualité Test de conformité avec les spécifications des produits Test de produits suspects Emmagasinage, manutention, et suivi des standards Partenaires de l’assurance qualité: NW University (AQ de lab). Path, IDA and Crown Agents ont aussi des structures et capacités pour les tests. Assistance aux pays hôtes pour l’établissement de normes et standards de qualité
Systèmes d’Information de Gestion Logistique
Visibilité de la chaîne d’approvisionnement mondial Estimations des besoins Etat d’enregistrement du produit Fonds Capacité de production Etat des achats Etat des envois st des réceptions Gestion des stocks du centre régional de distribution Rapports Visibilité de la chaine d’approvisionnement Nationale/locale (A la demande) We are mandated to establish a global supply chain management information system for the products we buy, and we can also work to establish or strengthen LMISs at the country level— “Supply chain visibility” is the commercial term for being able to see what’s going on further down the supply chain. At Wal-Mart, for instance, the manufacturers know what’s being sold at the cash register as soon as it’s sold. We can’t achieve that, but we need to provide better visibility than ever before for PEPFAR products. At minimum, we intend to be the repository for current information on requirements estimates, product registration, funds availability, production capacity, procurement status, shipment and receipt status, regional distribution center inventory management, and product returns. We plan to know all of this for products we procure, but at least some of these data apply to other people’s products as well. For example, requirements estimates are done for an entire program or nation, not for a specific supply source. We’ll work collaboratively to prepare requirements estimates, and share them with WHO, the Global Fund, Clinton Foundation, and others as appropriate. Similarly, product registration status information and production capacity issues are things everyone needs to know. We almost certainly won’t be able to get real-time data on shipments for other people’s products, but our requirements estimates will have to take them into account. Theft, substitution, and diversion are serious issues for manufacturers of ARVs and other products alike. Our information systems must be sufficiently robust to guarantee product pedigree from the supplier to the recipient. And as I said, we can work at the national or program level on request to strengthen local LMISs. The 3i Infotech/MSH system is available for those who lack a satisfactory system. It would link directly into the SCMS global system where local organizations allow it to, and then we could be as responsive as Wal-Mart. We have several other software tools available—DELIVER’s Supply Chain Manager, for instance—which can also link to the global system.
Basé sur l’exigence et les demandes du terrain.
Mise en oeuvre de SCMS Our implementation plan is probably obvious from what I’ve already said— Participation in any of this is voluntary. Countries and programs can ask for all of the services I’ve mentioned, or some of them, or none. Again, everything we do is meant to be additive to current efforts. And obviously, all our work will be based on demand and requests from the field. We need to achieve a level of flexibility and efficiency that has never been seen before. I’ve already described a few mechanisms we will use to get to this level, like buffer stocks and regional distribution, but there’ll be central innovations as well. For instance, USAID has established a working capital fund—the second ever in the history of the agency—that USG entities and eventually others can use to bank funds that they can draw down when they actually request commodities. And lastly, as I sort of said in the beginning, we intend to forge real and lasting partnerships between pubic agencies, private commercial firms, NGOs, and FBOs in order to get this done. Even if we had the whole $7 billion, we couldn’t do it by ourselves. Participation volontaire des pays pour tout ou partie des services, ou non-participation: pas de modèles prêt-à-porter Une addition aux mécanismes actuels de la gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Basé sur l’exigence et les demandes du terrain. Flexibilité et efficacité à travers des mécanismes innovatifs (ex., Capital de roulement de l’USAID ) Partenariats Public-privé ONG-Institutions religieuses
Questions? Merci scms.pfscm.org
Thanks for listening. Please ask us questions. Questions? Merci scms.pfscm.org
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