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Publié parGiselle Cheron Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Location Bain de Bretagne is in the departement of « Ille et Vilaine », in Brittanny, 30 km south of Rennes and 350 km west of Paris. PARIS RENNES Bain de Bretagne
Schooling in Bain de Bretagne Bain de Bretagne has 7500 inhabitants with 2 nursery schools (for pupils aged between 3 and 6), 2 elementary schools (for pupils aged between 6 and 11), 2 comprehensives (for pupils aged between 11 and 15), 1 high school and 1 secondary school for vocational training (for students aged between 15 and 18). There’s also an I.M.E. for mentally handicapped young people aged between 6 and 20. One of the elementary schools and one of the comprehensives have their own class meant to integrate between 10 and 12 mentally handicapped pupils, who come to school either full time (i.e. 24 hours a week) or part time.
Le collège « Le Chêne Vert » It’s a state school, without fees. 622 pupils Disadvantaged social class: 53,4% (France = 33,9%) Middle class: 23,6% (France = 26,1%) Upper middle class: 9,5% (France = 14,6%) Favoured class: 13,5%(France = 21,8%) Girls: 49,7% Foreigners: 0,6% 20 normal classes: 6 6èmes, 4 5èmes, 5 4èmes, 5 3èmes 4 S.E.G.P.A. classes(Section d’Enseignement Général et Professionnel Adapté) that is for pupils with great learning problems. 1 U.P.I. (Unité Pédagogique d’Intégration)
Staff Headmistress (Principal): Michèle ETIENNE Deputy head: Marie-Thérèse DE ONA S.E.G.P.A. director: Vincent BERTHELOT 49 teachers 1 librarian 1 head supervisor 8 supervisors 1 school assistant for the U.P.I. class 1 school assistant for disabled girl 1 nurse 1 school social worker 1 accountant 2 secretaries 11 ancillary staff
Le collège « Le Chêne Vert » The school yard, covered playground, and one of the teaching blocks.
The school yard and the offices
The teachers’ room
On the ground floor, the U.P.I. classroom
L’Unité Pédagogique d’Intégration (U.P.I.) It’ a class for 10 mentally handicapped pupils They are aged between 12 and 16 They have their own class in the school All of them have been given a laptop with wifi as long as they stay in the U.P.I.
The classroom
These children are independant enough to be able to cope in a 600-pupils- school. Each has his or her own individual school project. Each pupil can attend « normal » classes regarding his or her abilities. Each has his or her timetable. The other lessons are taught by a special teacher and a school assistant. When they are not in class, the pupils are with the other pupils of the school (meals, breaks, prep…)
LUNDIMARDIJEUDIVENDREDI 8h30 – 9h25 M1 Musique 6 ème C 1.7 Art thérapie théâtre UPI foyer 9h30 – 10h25 M2 Educatrice SESSAD UPI 10h40 – 11h40 M3 Musique UPI 1.7 11h45 – 12h40 M4 Techno 6 ème 12h45 – 13h55Chorale 1.7 Cafétéria 13h55 – 14h50 S1 Impro. Théâtre 6 ème C foyer 14h55 – 15h50 S2 Psychomotricité SESSAD IME Orthophoniste 16h05 – 17h00 S3 Vidéo UPI SESSAD UPI
LUNDIMARDIJEUDIVENDREDI 8h30 – 9h25 M1Musique 6 ème C 1.7 Art thérapie théâtre UPI foyer 9h30 – 10h25 M2 10h40 – 11h40 M3 Musique UPI 1.7 11h45 – 12h40 M4 Histoire/géo 5 ème D 2.8 12h45 – 13h55Danse 5 ème A Chorale 1.7 Cafétéria 13h55 – 14h50 S1Danse 5 ème A Histoire/géo 5 ème D 2.9 Histoire/géo 5 ème D 2.8 14h55 – 15h50 S2Arts plastiques 5 ème A 4.7 16h05 – 17h00 S3Vidéo UPI Techno 5 ème
Integrate in physic education class
Integrate in art class
Integrate in technology class
Integrate in music class
The U.P.I. pupils carry out projects meant to integrate them into the school life: Teachers’ « cafétéria »
Stéphanie, Laurent and Benjamin
They also take part in the school projects TThe carnival
The choir
School trips With an art teacher in front of the cathedral in Nantes
Drama lessons (therapy art) Caroline and Laurent
Elodie, Sandra, Stéphanie and Manon
Some pupils are taken into care by therapeutic unit from special school (I.M.E.) In this unit: psychologist Speech therapist Motivity psychologist Special pedagogers These sessions take place during the school time within the U.P.I. or the I.M.E.
Laurent with Florence within a room of U.P.I.
Some pupils are in the U.P.I. part time. They can also go to special schools nearby the « collège ». I.M.E. (Institut Médico-Educatif) for children and teenagers with average or heavy mental disability. I.T.E.P. (Institut Thérapeutique Educatif et Pédagogique) for children and teenagers with heavy psychological disorders.
LUNDIMARDIJEUDIVENDREDI 8h30 – 9h25 M1 I 9h30 – 10h25 M2 10h40 – 11h40 M3 E.P.S. 4 ème Arts plastiques 5 ème C 2.1 T 11h45 – 12h40 M4 E.P.S. 4 ème Techno 5 ème S 12h45 – 13h55 E Cafétéria 13h55 – 14h50 S1 14h55 – 15h50 S2 Musique 4 ème A 1.7 P 16h05 – 17h00 S3 Vidéo UPI
LUNDIMARDIJEUDIVENDREDI 8h30 – 9h25 M1 III Art thérapie théâtre UPI foyer 9h30 – 10h25 M2 10h40 – 11h40 M3 11h45 – 12h40 M4 M MM 12h45 – 13h55Chorale 1.7 13h55 – 14h50 S1 14h55 – 15h50 S2 EEE 16h05 – 17h00 S3
The pupils can discover some jobs through training sessions They take part in work groups within the collège (painting, flooring, cooking, service…) They go to vocational training centers, shops, factories or public services.
After the U.P.I. The pupils leave the U.P.I. at the age of 16 and they can be led into different schools regarding their abilities. SIFPro for the most handicapped pupils (technical I.M.E.) U.P.I. in a high school for the pupils who can manage in an « integration school » (vocational training sessions) Technical high school for the most successfull ones, preparing for a vocational trainig certificate called C.A.P. Vocational training for the successfull pupils who have found someone to teach them a trade and who attend school at the same time. Some quit school (school is compulsory until 16).
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