AS A MAN THINKETH an interactive listen, read and repeat book for learning American English A NEW EDITION OF JAMES ALLEN’S CLASSIC edited by Robert Silber.

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2 AS A MAN THINKETH an interactive listen, read and repeat book for learning American English A NEW EDITION OF JAMES ALLEN’S CLASSIC edited by Robert Silber UNE NOUVELLE EDITION DU CLASSIQUE DE JAMES ALLEN éditée par Dr. Robert Silber SPEAK ENGLISH NOW! YOUR PERSONAL TUTOR TRANSLATED INTO FRENCH Copyright 2012, Speak English International, Ltd.

3 Have fun learning to speak and read American English with As a Man Thinketh. FREE SAMPLE

4 He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. Les personnes qui embrassent une belle vision, une haute idée dans le coeur, un jour la réaliseront. AS A MAN THINKETH 1 To repeat the selection, click on the speaker.

5 Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Embrasse tes visions. Embrasse tes idéales. AS A MAN THINKETH 2 Buy Now!

6 Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thought. Embrasse la musique qui bouge dans ton coeur, la beauté qui prend forme dans ton esprit, la beauté qui embrasse ta plus pure pensée. AS A MAN THINKETH 3 Buy Now!

7 Out of these thoughts will emerge better conditions and circumstances. Tu verras sortir de tes bonnes pensées des meilleures conditions et circonstances. AS A MAN THINKETH 4 Buy Now!

8 From them, you will build the world of your dreams. Donc, tu construiras le monde qui tu as rêvé. AS A MAN THINKETH 5 Buy Now!

9 Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Rêve les rêves les plus hautes, et donc, tu deviendras tes rêves. AS A MAN THINKETH 6 Buy Now!

10 Your Vision is the promise of what one day you shall be. Ta vision c’est un promet de ce qui tu seras un jour. AS A MAN THINKETH 7 Buy Now!

11 Your Ideal is the blueprint of your own destiny. Ton idéal c’est l’empreinte de ta destine. AS A MAN THINKETH 8 Buy Now!

12 The greatest achievement was once a dream. La réalisation la plus grande était une fois un rêve. AS A MAN THINKETH 9 Buy Now!

13 Dreams are the seedlings of realities. Les rêves sont les semences de nos réalités. AS A MAN THINKETH 10 Buy Now!

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