Essential Question: How can you tell someone in French that you do something everyday or just on a certain day? Lesson 5.

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1 Essential Question: How can you tell someone in French that you do something everyday or just on a certain day? Lesson 5

2 Answer the questions in complete sentences. Use nous in your answers. 1. Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd’hui? 2. Vous commencez les cours à quelle heure le matin? 3. Vous mangez à quelle heure? 4. Vous avez quels cours l’après- midi? 1.2

3 Culture- 24 hour system The 24-hour time system (l’heure officielle) is used to give schedules for transportation, schools, stores, and movies. School generally beings at 8h00 (huit heures) and lets out (la sortie) around 17h00 (dix-sept heures) or 18h00 (dix- huit heures). 4.2

4 Be careful not to mix the two systems up. For instance; you must say seize heures quinze, never seize heures et quart. The expressions et demie, et quart and moins le quart are not used in official time.

5 Do you know of a context when the 24 hour clock is used in the U.S?

6 Quels cours est-ce qu’il a aux heures indiquées? 8h00 1.2

7 9h15

8 10h05

9 11h30

10 14h45

11 16h10

12 Le dix-sept, c’est quel jour? lundimardimercredijeudivendredisamedidimanche 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031

13 Le with the days of the week. To say you do something regularly on a certain day of the week, put le before the day of the week. J’ai anglais le vendredi. To say that you are doing something on one particular day of the week, do not use the article in front of the day of the week. J’ai un examen jeudi.

14 Écoutons Listen as Farid’s friends talk about their school schedules. For each statement, decide if they are talking about something that happens a) Every week b) Only on a specific day 1.2

15 Script 1. Nous commençons les cours à onze heures le jeudi. 2. Jules, tu as ton cours d’informatique mardi? 3. Le vendredi et le samedi, nous mangeons au café. 4. L’EPS? C’est le lundi à quatre heures. 5. J’ai français mercredi matin. 6. Le théâtre, c’est mardi ou mercredi?

16 Complete these sentences by describing your week. 1. Je commence les cours à … 2. Le vendredi soir, mes copains et moi, nous … 3. Le lundi matin, j’ai… 4. Après l’école, mes amis et moi, nous… 5. Le week-end, je… 1.3

17 Écrivons Write seven sentences, one for each day of the week, telling me what you do on each day. Example: J’étudie les maths le lundi. Je joue au basket… 1.3

18 Écrivons The French club is doing a survey on how students picture an ideal week. You’ve been asked to contribute by describing your ideal weekly schedule. Example: Le lundi, je surfe sur Internet. Le mardi et le jeudi, je dessine… 1.3

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