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In order to learn, the brain needs Meaning Emotion Relevance Novelty.

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Présentation au sujet: "In order to learn, the brain needs Meaning Emotion Relevance Novelty."— Transcription de la présentation:


2 In order to learn, the brain needs

3 Meaning Emotion Relevance Novelty

4 Greatest Impact on Learning? Amount of new information Individual’s motivation to learn Individual’s desire to learn Level of concentration Level of attention to learning What the individual already knows

5 Meaning The difficulty of your set could be increased if you do a jam followed by a peach.

6 Meaning The difficulty of your set could be increased if you do a jam followed by a peach. A routine can earn higher points if your sequence includes 2 skills on the uneven parallel bars: jam - leaves the gymnast sitting on the high bar; peach - the gymnast moves from the high bar to the low bar.

7 Greatest Impact on Learning? Amount of new information Individual’s motivation to learn Individual’s desire to learn Level of concentration Level of attention to learning What the individual already knows

8 Meaning Velcro learning: When new learning “attaches” to prior learning it has a better chance of “sticking” (being remembered)

9 In order to learn, the brain needs Meaning How can you activate prior knowledge with school age students? With adults?

10 Emotion


12 Episodic memories: strong recall of where you were and what you were doing

13 Emotion

14 In order to learn, the brain needs Meaning Emotion

15 Relevance


17 In order to learn, the brain needs Meaning Emotion Relevance

18 Novelty When the brain is in a safe and familiar environment, it fatigues after short periods of sustained attention. It then begins to seek novelty.

19 Novelty Change it up!

20 La Pizza La pizza était liée au travail du boulanger. Elle servait avant tout à vérifier la bonne température du foyer avant qu'on y dépose le pain, ou à tirer parti des dernières braises, et servait de repas à la famille du boulanger, tout comme la Tarte flambée alsacienne. Plat du « petit peuple », vendu à la part dans des comptoirs ambulants ou directement dans la rue, sur un plateau en étain, la pizza a été longtemps absente des recueils de cuisine italiens du fait de sa réputation de coupe-faim à la qualité douteuse. En Italie, c'est un plat de ménage, une simple pâte à pain sur laquelle on étale ce qu'on veut, les restes...

21 Novelty Chunk it!

22 Novelty

23 In order to learn, the brain needs Meaning Emotion Relevance Novelty

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