Warm up You probably know the names of your clothes ( you are wearing today) in English; using your smart phones, find equivalents of those names in French.

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Présentation au sujet: "Warm up You probably know the names of your clothes ( you are wearing today) in English; using your smart phones, find equivalents of those names in French."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Warm up You probably know the names of your clothes ( you are wearing today) in English; using your smart phones, find equivalents of those names in French.

2 On page 97: Asking for and giving opinions… Vocabulary: La boite à la mode Same page, Do # 7 cd 4 Tr. 2 Homework from yesterday handouts *** Changing Gear: Using your smart phones, try to access a website with a outfits’ pictures; Then share with a partner and give your opinions about it.

3 On page 98: vocabulaire à la carte After learning names of clothes (items), use your smart phone to look for their pictures Same page, do # 8,9 **Expressions : Asking for and giving opinions On page 98, do # 10 cd 4 Tr. 3

4 On page 99: vocabulary- Affreux (-euse) hideous Délirant(e) wild Sobre plain Chic élégant(e) Ringard(e) corny Tape-à-l’oeil gaudy Classe classy Génial(e) Sérieux(euse) conservative Vulgaire tasteless





9 Tu n’aime pas ce col roulé? Si, je l’aime bien. C’est chic.

10 Comment tu trouves ce pattes d’eph? Je ne l’aime pas tellement.

11 On page 99, do # 12. Changing Gear: on page 100, do # 15 (Drawing) ! On page 100- Asking which one and point out, identify people and things: Quelle, laquelle, lequel, ça, c’est, ces, là, celle-là, celui du, celui avec, là-bas…

12 Handouts (see cahiers d’activities and TPG) **Quiz on Wednesday: Study vocabulary on page 99; Know negatives/positives opinions** Know some obvious outfits for men/women**words bank to help. Exit Ticket

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