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Publié parPhilippe Floch Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Warm up You probably know the names of your clothes ( you are wearing today) in English; using your smart phones, find equivalents of those names in French.
On page 97: Asking for and giving opinions… Vocabulary: La boite à la mode Same page, Do # 7 cd 4 Tr. 2 Homework from yesterday handouts *** Changing Gear: Using your smart phones, try to access a website with a outfits’ pictures; Then share with a partner and give your opinions about it.
On page 98: vocabulaire à la carte After learning names of clothes (items), use your smart phone to look for their pictures Same page, do # 8,9 **Expressions : Asking for and giving opinions On page 98, do # 10 cd 4 Tr. 3
On page 99: vocabulary- Affreux (-euse) hideous Délirant(e) wild Sobre plain Chic élégant(e) Ringard(e) corny Tape-à-l’oeil gaudy Classe classy Génial(e) Sérieux(euse) conservative Vulgaire tasteless
Tu n’aime pas ce col roulé? Si, je l’aime bien. C’est chic.
Comment tu trouves ce pattes d’eph? Je ne l’aime pas tellement.
On page 99, do # 12. Changing Gear: on page 100, do # 15 (Drawing) ! On page 100- Asking which one and point out, identify people and things: Quelle, laquelle, lequel, ça, c’est, ces, là, celle-là, celui du, celui avec, là-bas…
Handouts (see cahiers d’activities and TPG) **Quiz on Wednesday: Study vocabulary on page 99; Know negatives/positives opinions** Know some obvious outfits for men/women**words bank to help. Exit Ticket
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