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Publié parRaphaël Voisin Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 EDMS N°1209791 1/17 Dimensional control and fiducialisation of TM1 CLIC girder n°DB02E Measurements performed the 29th of March 2012, metrology lab.
Introduction Summary: End of 2010: dimensional control of the 2 Epucret girders on manufacturing site using laser tracker (EDMS n° 1103377 ) End of 2010: Receipt measurements at CERN using laser tracker (EDMS n° 1108177) March 2012: machining of V-Support at CERN Mid of March, 2012: Romer arm measurements without load several tenth of misalignment but no big fault was detected. End of March: CMM measurements performed according to the drawing n°CLIATLSS0065 and instructions from Nick Gazis and from SU team (for the future, a drawing which meets the needs will be useful). Objectives of CMM measurements: to accurately evaluate the misalignment of V-supports and so to decide if a new machining or an adjustment is needed, To fiducialise the girder mean axis. D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 2/17
Measurement conditions Coordinate Measuring Machine: OLIVETTI Inspector Maxi 900v Probe Head: RENISHAW PH10M Probe: RENISHAW TP2 + Ø5mm and Ø2mm Stylus Measurement force: radial: 7 axial: 40 g Laboratory temperature: 20 °C ± 1 °C Measurement uncertainty (3 σ ): ± 0.006 mm Unit: millimetre Stylus length = 370 mm Comment: The length of the stylus introduce an important error or uncertainty measurement D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 3/17
Measurement problematic Maximum CMM length moving = 1600 mm The length of the girder= 2000 mm Comment: Blocks to support girder are outside the table. D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 4/17
Cylindricity on gage cylinders Cylindricity Ø99 = 0.0116 mm Cylindricity Ø120 = 0.0096 mm Cylindricity Ø27 = 0.0016 mm D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 5/17
Reference system Primary Z axis is the normal of the plane A: Common area of upper planes at each extremity, Y axis is the intersection between plane A and plane B: B is the common area of lateral planes, The origin is defined by the intersection of Y with the plane C: C is a part of the vertical plane at one extremity. X+ Y+ Z+ LineY Comment: the quality of the reference system is given by the geometry (common zone plan or line ) and the flatness of the surface. D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 6/17
Reference measurement conditions First measuring area of plane A Comment: It is very difficult to probe the reference surface because of the accessibility. D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 7/17
Reference measurement conditions Second measuring area of plane A Comment: the plane A is the common zone built with the first and second area. D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 8/17
Reference measurement conditions The common measuring area of plane B D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 9/17 Comment: the common area is not exactly which was required.
Reference measurement conditions measuring area of plane C Comment: it was impossible to completely measure the plane C. D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 10/17
Measurement of the sag under load D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 11/17
Straightness of the axis Comment: the straightness considers all the cylinders except the centre of the Ø27 circle (beam tube). D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 12/17
Positioning of circles R49.5,R60 and R13.5 D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 13/17 Comment: The misalignment is more critical along Z axis.
Location Ø0.01 mm of Circles R49.5,R60 and R13.5 D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 14/17 Comment: LOCA = 2 √ ( Δ X 2 + Δ Z 2 ) Factor 10
Fiducialisation The CMM size will not allow to measure the girder/cradles assembly during one step (the Epucret girder must be loaded while Boostec girders didn’t need) it is necessary to fiducialise the assembly in 3 steps Principle of the fiducialisation in 3 steps: fiducialisation of the loaded girder (already done), fiducialisation of the 2 cradles (already done), geometrical linking of the unloaded girder with its cradles by measurements at each extremities of temporary fiducials. D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 15/17
Fiducialisation 10 fixed fiducials (like for TM0) and 16 temporary points (removable hot glue). Points on mean axis: (according to metrology results) D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 16/17 X (mm)Y (mm)Z (mm) Calc.Nom.Calc.Nom. DBO2E-C174.98675.0000209.971210.000 DBO2E-C275.0275.0001946209.952210.000
Conclusions D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 17/17 CMM volume is not large enough Fiducialisation in several steps External control Machining out of tolerances Machining again? Adjustment by shimming? Next steps Proposal of a schedule
Proposal of external CMMs When the assembly DB02E/cradles will be completed and fiducialised, we might consider to ask an external firm to measure it in one step, for example in France: CETIM Senlis CMM LEITZ 2400x 1200x 1000 mm Accuracy :± 1.6µm + L/400 (have to be check) BEA METROLOGIE Bordeaux CMM HEXAGON 3000 x 1200 x 1000 mm Accuracy :± 2.5µm + L/333 SAPHIR PSMC Ain CMM ZEISS MMZ 2000x1200 x900 mm Accuracy :± 2.7µm + L/300 AXIS Valence CMM Contura G2 ZEISS 2100 x 1200 x 800 mm Accuracy :± 2.8 µm+L/300 D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012
Proposal of a schedule D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 DB02E : EPUCRET GIRDER DB TYPE-1 for the LAB DB01E : EPUCRET GIRDER DB TYPE-4 for the LAB Etat des lieux : Les V-supports de la poutre DB02E sont usinés (AP) La poutre DB02E est fiducialisée (Sylvain Griffet et Dominique Pugnat) Les berceaux (les 4) sont fiducialisés (Sylvain, Lillian Remandet) Les pièces mécaniques des points d’articulations seront bientôt disponibles (Nicolas Chritin) Ce qu’il reste à faire pour la poutre DB021E, dans l’ordre : Plan d’assemblage de DB01E avec ses V-supports et les tolérances associées (Dmitry Gudkov) Assemblage des V-supports sur DB01E (Philippe de Souza) Usinage final des V-supports (AP) Collage des fiducielles sur la poutre (Sylvain) Mesures en métrologie, poutre chargée (Dominique)
Proposal of a schedule D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 Ce qu’il reste à faire pour chacune des poutres, dans l’ordre : Présenter le rapport de métrologie de chaque poutre en réunion CLIC module (Dominique et Sylvain) Accord pour assemblage (CMWG), Sinon usinage des V ? Réglage ? Préparation de la visserie (SU ou Philippe?) Assemblage de deux berceaux par poutre et contrôle en temps réel (Philippe, Sylvain) Mesure en métrologie des 2 assemblages poutre/berceaux en 2 fois (Dominique) Sous-traitance de la mesure de l’assemblage poutre DB02E/berceaux dans une CMM plus grande (à définir?) Transport au 169 pour installation (Nick Gazis?) Contrôle des points d’articulation (au bras Romer) et assemblage sur berceaux (Sylvain, Philippe) Plan d’implantation (Dmitri?), implantation (Sylvain), visserie (SU ou Philippe), perçage (Philippe ), réglage des tables (Sylvain), installation poutre (Philippe) Contrôle des points d’articulation (Sylvain)
Result flatness for plane A D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 Supplementary slide
Result flatness for plane B D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 Supplementary slide
Result flatness for plane C D. Pugnat, S. Griffet 18/04/2012 Supplementary slide
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