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Publié parMorgaine Gomes Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Faith and Light International Formation Session 2010 Energizing Meetings 8.1.1
Faith and Light International Formation Session 2010 Le déroulement d’une rencontre Les trois temps d’une rencontre Les mouvements du groupe entre les temps (les passages) L’accueil: L’organisation vs la participation Les interruptions Momentum: Le contact entre les personnes Les choses plus énergisantes au début La place pour les nouvelles Le chant Donne le ton et introduit/appuie ce qu’on veut vivre Pour rassembler (et non pas « shut!... ») Pour créer des liens Etc.. 8.1.2
Finding the Focus The theme of a meeting One idea only Only one image/symbol Only one message A single idea provides the leading tread When we use a symbol we have to wonder how this symbol is integrated in the whole message 8.1.3
Faith and Light International Formation Session 2010 The symbol A figure or an image that aims at helping to understand a reality of the mind Speaks to the heart, not to reason Hits imagination Carry a universal message Is constant Is concise Sign and symbol 8.1.4
Faith and Light International Formation Session 2010 The sending off Short message given to each participants in order to send them in mission in the name of the group Personalized Emphasis on the talent of the person Presenting a challenge to meet Make others the witness of the mission 8.1.5
Faith and Light International Formation Session 2010 Giving instructions Get the attention Talk with a little bit more volume than usual The sequence of a presentation is important Objective of the activity Identify the persons/players/sub-groups In order for the people to remember what related to them What people have to do Demonstrate 8.1.6
Faith and Light International Formation Session 2010 Talking to and audience Length of a conference Downtime 20 min10% 40 min25% 80 min40% Format After 3 hours After 3 days Verbal presentation 25%10% Verbal and visual aides 72%20% Mix: verbal, visual, kinaesthetic 85%65% What the audience will remember In general, people will remember a new idea if they have been exposed to this new idea 3.4 times 8.1.7
Faith and Light International Formation Session 2010 Occupying the space together Music Space for mime Visual Altar 8.1.8
Faith and Light International Formation Session 2010 Sharing in small groups The questions Directive / non directives questions Open / closed questions Intellectual vs experiential questions The technique of projection Why are some sharing better than other? 8.1.9
Faith and Light International Formation Session 2010 The mime Reliving the Scripture The planning Review the text Tell the story using simple words Repeat Distribute the roles Listen to ideas Costumes and accessories The presenter is attentive to what is happening Provide space for spontaneity 8.1.10
Check list Organizing a meeting
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