Le Bassin d’Arcachon The Bay of Arcachon

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1 Le Bassin d’Arcachon The Bay of Arcachon
In september, all the partners visited the bay of arcachon by boat. You are watching what we’ve seen.

2 . Les Cabanes Tchanquées Huts on stilts
Le Bassin d’Arcachon: . Son port - its port . Les Cabanes Tchanquées Huts on stilts . L’île aux oiseaux - Bird Island . Les parcs à Huîtres The oyster beds The bay of Arcachon is famous for its port; the huts on stilts; the island birds; the oyster beds; the village of cap ferret and the pyla dune. . Le Cap Ferret . La Dune du Pyla - Pyla’s dune

3 A view from above Fishing port Marina Tourist Boat
The port of Arcachon. We can see a view from above the port of Arcachon. There is a fishing port and a marina. We can see one of the boat which took the pupils during this trip. Marina Tourist Boat

4 Les cabanes tchanquées - huts on stilts
La première cabane fut construite en Les cabanes servaient aux ostréiculteurs pour surveiller le vol d’huîtres. Depuis, elles sont des symboles du bassin d’Arcachon. The first hut was built in They were used to look after oysters. Since then, there have been one of the most important symbol of the bay. Today in the bay, there are 2 huts one with red shutters and the other with white shutters. The first one was built in eighteen eigthy three. There were used in order to look after the oysters. Today, there are one of the most important symbol of the bay.

5 L’île aux oiseaux - The Bird island
La Faune - the Wildlife L’île aux oiseaux doit son nom au fait que de nombreux oiseaux l’habite ou s’y arrête sur le chemin de la migration car elle fait partie des rares îles boisées et préservées du littoral. This island has its name because of the birds which live or stay here during the migration. It’s a protected island with a lot of trees. In the bay, there is the bird island which measures five square kilometers to sixteen square kilometers high tide and low tide. The wildlife is protected because access is restricted.

6 L’île aux oiseaux - the bird island
La Flore - the Flora L’île est relativement vierge et riche par sa diversité. Il est interdit de cueillir quoique ce soit sur l’île car elle est protégée. The island is virgin and relatively rich in its diversity. It’s forbidden to pick anything because the island is protected. The 2 huts on stilts are on the bird island but the flora is rich. It’s forbidden to pick anything.

7 Les parcs à huîtres - Oyster beds
Le bassin d’Arcachon est renommé pour ses nombreux parcs à huîtres. The bay of Arcachon is famous for its oyster beds. All around, the bird island and in each village around the bay of arcachon, there are a lot of oyster beds. The oysters of the bay are very famous all over the world.

8 Le Cap Ferret Beach of la Pointe Lighthouse Boat
At the entrance of the bay, there is the village of Cap Ferret. It’s famous for its beaches, its lighthouse and its boats. Lighthouse Boat

9 Pyla’s dune And on the other side of the entrance, the famous place in the bay is the Pyla dune. Sand, sand and sand… we’ll see more about it.

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