Facts about Martinique On p. 96- Mise en train; cd 4, Tr. 1-2: On p.98, Do # 2, 3 Un concours photographique ** On the same page, do some reading and collect.

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Présentation au sujet: "Facts about Martinique On p. 96- Mise en train; cd 4, Tr. 1-2: On p.98, Do # 2, 3 Un concours photographique ** On the same page, do some reading and collect."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Facts about Martinique On p. 96- Mise en train; cd 4, Tr. 1-2: On p.98, Do # 2, 3 Un concours photographique ** On the same page, do some reading and collect more information about la Martinique and its people. Look those pictures! ** Questions about la Martinique ** What kind of people live in Martinque? The Créoles, the largest ethnic group on the island, who are of mixed African and European descent; Whites born in the island and those from France.

2 Martinique: Pictures and meanings *Look on pictures on the page 96(in the middle); what do each picture says…read the text for each one. * On p. 97: la vie des jeunes; la vie en famille; la vie près de la mer; la vie en ville. * On page 97: it’s about the daily life of people of Martinique. * Reading and understanding

3 On p. 97: What each picture represents? * Imagine that you are going to do a photographic report on knightdale high school. What pictures are you going to take? ( think about many activities which are part of the school). Make a list!

4 Questions 1. What is the old name of Martinique? 2. What is the most import source of revenue for Martinique? 3. Do the people of Martinique need a visa to travel to France? Explain! 4. How is the weather most of the time? 5. What currency is used in Martinique?

5 Unit one: Asking for information and describing a place * Let’s read postal cards by Florence and Paul * Do # 6 **Note culturelle * p. 100: Vocabulaire-Martinique, ile aux fleurs * Le volcan; la montagne pelée; la forêt tropicale; le jardin bolata; la mer des Caraibes; La capitale; des champs de cane à sucre; un village des pêcheurs; les belles plages; le sable; une chute d’eau; un palmier; un cocotier; un moustique; un ananas.

6 ** handouts, see page 100 * Do # 7 Homework! Exit

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