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Publié parClementine Alvarez Modifié depuis plus de 10 années
Leçon 10 What are the definite articles in French? ____________________________________________________ The dogs are French. Where is the printer? My pen is on the desk. The friend is speaking with the lady. Do you-familiar have the pens? What are the indefinite articles? Y’all do not have a cell phone. Do you-singular have a (tennis) racket? We have friends in Montreal. Catherine does not have a poster. Please-familiar, give me a book. Tell me about your family. Do you have any brothers and sisters? What do you like to do on Sundays? Does your family prefer summer or winter? Does your family like music? Translate “to have” and conjugate it.
What are the definite articles in French?
Leçon 10 BIG focus = avoir and articles, the definite and indefinite ones. What are the definite articles in French? The dogs are French. Where is the printer? My pen is on the desk. The friend is speaking with the lady. Do you-familiar have the pens? Definition of definite = clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful, clearly true or real, specific. Do you understand the difference between “Put the book on the table” and “Put a book on a table.” The definite (specific) articles are: Le, la, l’, les. They all mean THE. Les chiens sont français. Où est l’imprimante? Mon stylo est sur la table. L’ami (L’amie) parle avec la dame. We’ve got a yes/no question. What do we use? Est-ce que tu as les stylos?
What are the FRENCH indefinite articles?
Define INDEFINITE What are the FRENCH indefinite articles? What happens to “un, or une, or des” when the sentence is negative? Y’all do not have a cell phone. Do you-singular have a (tennis) racket? We have friends in Montreal. Catherine does not have a poster. Definition of INDEFINITE: not clearly expressed or defined; vague. UN, UNE, DES pas un pas de, pas une pas de, pas des pas de And if the next work begins with a vowel then it’s pas d’ NEGATIVE alert! Alert! Vous n’avez pas de portable. We’ve got a yes/no question. What do we use? Est-ce que tu as une raquette? Do you see “friends” has no article in front of it? You need one in FRENCH! Nous avons des amis à Montréal. NEGATIVE alert! Alert! Catherine n’a pas d’affiche.
Please-familiar, give me a book. Tell me about your family.
Do you have any brothers and sisters? What do you like to do on Sundays? Does your family prefer summer or winter? Does your family like music? Translate “to have” and conjugate it. S’il te plaît, donne-moi un livre. None? Je n’ai pas de frères. Je n’ai pas de soeurs. J’ai un frère (# frères). J’ai une soeur (# soeurs). Le dimanche nous aimons …. Like, prefer alert! Use the definite article! Ma famille préfère ….. Like, prefer alert! Use the definite article! Ma famille aime (n’aime pas) la musique. Avoir J’ai nous avons tu as vous avez Il/elle a ils/elles ont
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