WALT: Recognise and use phrases in the past tense with opinions of leisure activities. WILF: To be able to use opinions in the past tense. You must be.

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Présentation au sujet: "WALT: Recognise and use phrases in the past tense with opinions of leisure activities. WILF: To be able to use opinions in the past tense. You must be."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 WALT: Recognise and use phrases in the past tense with opinions of leisure activities. WILF: To be able to use opinions in the past tense. You must be able to recognise 3 different tenses for grade C and above. Je suis allé à la piscine J’ai fais du snowboard Je joué au tennis J’ai regarde la télévision J’ai joué au football CORRECT OU FAUX?

2 In English it means “it was”

3 c’était chouette c’était ennuyeux c’était trop long c’était nul c’était amusant c’était intéressant c’était passionant c’était génial c’était drôle

4 How to change a phrase into negative ADD ‘NE’ AND ‘PAS’ ce n’était pas drôle Example: c’était drôle

5 c’était chouette c’était ennuyeux c’était trop long c’était nul c’était amusant c’était intéressant c’était passionant c’était génial c’était drôle NOW PUT THEM INTO NEGATIVES

6 Listening 1 Listen to these people discussing the films below. What opinions do they say? Write down the letter of the opinions mentioned.

7 Listening 2 Listen to this conversation and note the order that each opinion is mentioned. Write the corresponding letter each time.

8 À deux… discutez les images et donnez des opinions Refer back to your books to find opinions and activities, it’s all in there!!

9 Read the text and answer the questions below.

10 Neighbours What three things has your neighbour learnt today? Be prepared to feedback to the class afterwards (Remember you need to show me that they can actually say it in French otherwise how will I know you have learnt it!?)

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