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Nous allons …….. Apprendre les mots pour décrire son caractère

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Présentation au sujet: "Nous allons …….. Apprendre les mots pour décrire son caractère"— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Nous allons …….. Apprendre les mots pour décrire son caractère
Pratiquer la prononciation Distinguer entre masculin et féminine Pratiquer comment écrire les mots

2 Busca el inglés para cada adjetivo
généreux generous sérieux serious drôle fun un peu paresseux a bit lazy intelligent intelligent Bavard talkative This starter is included to encourage pupils to notice ‘actively’ the similarities with English and realise how many words they can guess correctly the meaning of “seriuex” they met in year 7. They will guess ‘un peu’ but ask them to tell you how they know - so that they realise it is because there are 3 words in the French and English versions or because they know ‘un’ means ‘a’. We want them to make explicit the skills they don’t realise they have. a bit lazy generous Cela veut dire…? fun serious talkative intelligent

3 Ils sont comment? Timide extraverti
These slides have pairs of opposite adjectives, including some seen in the starter and some additional ones. Practise/drill the pronunciation but also ask them to infer the meanings using the skills they practised in the starter. Timide extraverti

4 sympa antipathique

5 sérieuse drôle

6 discret bavarde

7 Travailleur Paresseux

8 Pessimiste optimiste

9 Mon ami est beau et drôle. Il n’est pas sérieux.
Mon amie est belle et drôle. Elle n’est pas sérieuse . This slide brings in the notion of adjective endings. The level of the class will determine how you want to present/explain/elicit this. I would tend with the lowest class to use the TL and just present it strongly myself, using cognates ‘masculin’ and ‘feminine’ and pointing to the differences. With a slightly higher ability class you might want to get them to translate both sentences into English first and then tell you what they notice – i.e. in English we make no difference so the sentences are identical.

10 Comment es-tu? 1 6 lazy generous short lazy slim talkative serious tall good-looking intelligent generous fun 2 7 short slim 3 8 talkative serious In this listening activity pupils have to draw a boy or girl to denote which is being described and then identify the correct English characteristic. If the class is more able or some pupils in it are, you could adapt the slide and remove the help, giving those who need more support a print out with the English adjectives. 9 4 intelligent tall 5 10 fun good-looking

11 Un jeu pour pratiquer Ecrire 3 mots qui décrivent la personnalité d’une personne dans cette classe (NB: n’oubliez pas la forme - masculin or féminine) Ecrire aussi le nom de la personne – mais c’est un secret! Nous allons deviner qui est – ce ! With a TA or ITT student or depending on the class, just ‘lead’ pupils, you could split up into groups to do this activity. One aim is to reinforce the need for using the correct masc/fem forms of the adjectives – a further aim is obviously to use the language for a ‘real communicative purpose’ and ensure that pupils are actively making meaning.

12 Comment sont..? Je suis b……….e et i……..e
Soy extrovertida y trabajadora Je suis d……e et g……s Soy gracioso y hablador Je suis g……d et g……x Soy antipático y pesimista Je suis g…….e et s e Soy simpática y seria Perhaps not all classes will get to this activity – this is not a problem. This is an activity to stimulate their memories and another opportunity to embed the pronunciation. You could give them two minutes to practise saying the sentences in pairs and then take away the support and take responses from the class.

13 Comment sont…? serious ≠ shy quiet unkind lazy optimistic
sérieux/ sérieuse A consolidation activity to make sure that pupils are clear about the two forms of most adjectives. ‘optimistic’ gives you the opportunity to highlight that there are some exceptions.

14 Nous avons …….. p p p p appris les adjectifs pratiqué la prononciation
reconnu le masulin et la féminine Pratiqué comment écrire les mots p p p p

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