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Publié parMédée Grandjean Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 ARENE Ile-de-France Pariss région régional agency for the environment and new energies
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Set up in 1994 Body working in partnership with the regional council Member of RARE (French network of regional energy and environment agencies) Member of FEDARENE (European federation of regional energy and environment agencies Team of 18 people
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 ARENE and its missions By Contributing to incorporate environment and energy concerns, it is taking part in implementing sustainable development in the Pariss region Two main missions : Disseminating « good practices » and making «reference » opérations and methods known Assessing the Utility of new practices, evaluating their potentials of development and helping to experiment them
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Themes of action Energy Sustainable development of local areas Decentralised cooperation Economy and environment Environment employement, inclusion Environment education Sustainable transport Sustainable high environmental quality of buildings
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 ARENE and its missions in the energy area Evaluation of renewable energies potentials Promotion : actions to araise the awarness of economic and public actors for renewable energy Implementation of energy channels help to built « reference »plants
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 ARENE Ile-de-France PARIS Tél. : 00 33 (0)1 53 85 61 75 Fax : 00 33 (0)1 40 65 90 41 Internet : www.areneidf.org
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Renewable energy for green electricity production in Ile de France Philippe SALVI Project manager in charge of renewable energies ARENE Ile de France (F)
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Some data about Pariss region Some data about Pariss region Pariss region = 12 millions of people 80 % is cover with agricultural lands and forests Pariss region = 16 % of national energy consumption = 29,5 M toe by year Ile de France is 95 % dependant for its energy supply
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Map of the Pariss region
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 A large range of renewable energies sources in Ile-de-France Wind energy Biomass (wood waste or wood from forest industry, straw, cereals, biogas from landfill and organic wastre digesters..) Solar for thermal or photovolta ï c applications Geothermal Hydraulic (for small power plants) All of those potentials have been evaluated by Arene and its partners And dontforget : the first one of renewable energies is the one that is not consumed
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Solar potential
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Wind energy potential
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Consumption and Potentials of renewable energy in Ile-de-France (Arene )
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Somme examples of « reference » plants producing green electricity « The blue roof » at Montreuil - Photovolta ï c plant – 220 m2 Owner : Social housing compagny of town of Montreuil Power capacity : 22 kWc – connected to the greed, built in 2001. Investment : 150 000 Financial support : 90 % from r é gion, Europe, National Agency for environment and energy (ADEME) and Greenpeace.
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Some examples of « reference » plants producing green electricity Biogas Cogeneration heating plant of Acheres (water treatment Plant : the bigest in europe (6,5 Millions people) Digestion biogas from wastewater plant is used in a turbine to make heat and electricity Power capacity : 4 MWe and 7 MW th. Installed in 1993
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Some examples of « reference » plants producing green electricity Small Hydraulic power plant at Thomery Dam on the Seine river – built in 1989. Power capacity : 3,3 MW
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Regional supports and incentives to promote renewable energyin Ile de France The d é lib é ration of the regional council intitled energy efficiency and renewable energy development for green gas emissions reduction complets financial support from ADEME (national energy agency) on feasibility study and investment. The Regional council support only Public owners. The regional council has recently voted a d é lib é ration : 50 % of green electricity for regional council s buildings in 2010
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 National supports to promote green electricity Feed-in tariffs good enough for wind energy, not enough for photovoltaïc and biomass Tendering/biddiding systems Tradable green certificates (without quotas) Investment subsidies (by ADEME, national agency for environment and energy) A low in discussion about national policy for energy
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Barriers encountered during the implementation of renewable energy channels Renewable Energy solutions are often misunderstood or even unknown by the different actors in the Region Ile-de-France. Arene is working along with the different structures to inform them about those many renewable possibilities Economic competitivity of renewable energies is still a main barrier encountered in the promotion and development of green energies. Prices level of fossil energy is one of the keys elements for the development of renewable energies. Regarding this, supports are necessary. Networks of renewable energy promoters and actors are not developped and active enough in the Region of Î le-de-France: difficulties to promote wood energy project against Gaz de France which wants to sel gas. In addition, acceptance of plants (like wind plants) by population is also a great barrier.
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 MERCI Pour plus dinformation : www.areneidf.org Pour plus dinformation : www.areneidf.org
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 La consommation dénergie renouvelable en Ile-de-France en 2003 Source : études ARENE, ADEME et autres partenaires
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005
Les potentiels Enr franciliens Un potentiel énergies renouvelables important
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Le contexte francilien Une dépendance énergétique importante : 95% de dépendance pour lélectricité (quelques centrales thermiques fioul et charbon, cogénérations gaz, unités dincinération et de valorisation de biogaz) Un potentiel important en énergies renouvelables « électriques » - léolien : 1000 MW de potentiel (consommation électrique de 800 000 foyers ) - installés 0 - 10-15 projets à létude - le solaire PV : plusieurs millions de m2 de surfaces bâties (10 m2 = 1 kW) 176 kW* installés en 2003 (dont 5500 horodateurs) - la biomasse : 700 000 tonnes de bois /an - Un potentiel de 50 MWe en cogénération - (consommation élect. de 200 000 foyers) - la petite hydraulique : écluses, moulins désaffectés,.. 18 MWe* installés en 2003 * source Etude ARENE/ObservER
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Les objectifs de la France par filières énergies renouvelables pour la production délectricité
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Des atouts pour le développement des énergies renouvelables Importance des besoins énergétiques franciliens 110 réseaux de chaleur urbains 25 % des logements collectifs alimentés par chaufferie centrale 10 % des maisons individuelles françaises Un maillage du réseau de transport délectricité et de gaz important - > injection dénergies vertes Une volonté politique régionale (Conseil régional ) - Délibération énergie : un cadre de soutien financier aux études et aux investissements - renforcement prévu fin 2005 - Délibération Achat délectricité verte (50% des locaux du CRIF en 2010) Des outils dexpertise, dassistance et de promotion : ARENE, ARD,..et
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Mais encore des progrès à faire Bureaux détudes et installateurs compétents mais encore peu nombreux Un bon réseau dentreprises spécialisées dans lexploitation des installations énergétiques, des réseaux de chaleur (notamment géothermie) mais qui doit mieux intégrer lensemble des énergies renouvelables Peu ou pas de fabricants régionaux déquipements énergies renouvelables
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 les outils ARENE au service des énergies renouvelables LARENE apporte conseils et accompagnement technique aux collectivités/entreprises : mise œuvre dopérations de démonstration, innovantes et exemplaires ( participation financière et technique à faisabilité possible) Outils daide à la décision gratuits à disposition des collectivités - Conseil expresse HQE et info + HQE - Conseil énergie bois - Diagnostic potentiel éolien (atlas et logiciel)
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 les outils ARENE au service des énergies renouvelables Outils dinformation/sensibilisation - Fiches techniques dopérations de référence - Documents et rapports détudes - Une vidéo « les énergies renouvelables en Ile-de-France, ça marche ! » - Une exposition de 13 panneaux sur lénergie - Visites dopérations de référence en Ile de France, France, Europe,..
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Feed in tarifs in France
AER- "regional policy" seminar Porjus - 01/07/2005 Les tarifs de rachat de lélectricité verte
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